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Jennifer's Life

  • The Day I Was Born

    The Day I Was Born
    At about 10:00pm my Mom said her water broke while eating a bowl of neopolitan ice cream and watching Married With Children. My Dad then drove her to Oakwood Hospital in Dearborn and I was born shortly after at 1:17.
  • Finding out I was just starting to aprreciate the water

    Finding out I was just starting to aprreciate the water
    As my mom and I looked at this picture she told me she remembers this day and that she finally got me in the water and to begin to like it. At first she said I was acting very emotional and nervous to be dipped into the water.
  • Bath Time Fun

    Bath Time Fun
    Trying to be indepent washing my own hair at bathtime! I knew that hygiene was important and I was always wanting my hair to smell good so I always made sure to rub shampoo in very good.
  • Feeling an unfimilair texture for the first time

    Feeling an unfimilair texture for the first time
    This was a picture taken from the first time I experienced a petting farm. My family and I went to Dominos Farm and that was the first time i ever really got familair with the texture of a rabbit.
  • Kindergarten Graduation

    Kindergarten Graduation
    This was the day i graduated from kindergarten. That was my teacher Ms. Kris who I will never forget.
  • A Fun Day Playing at The Zoo With my Friends

    A Fun Day Playing at The Zoo With my Friends
    My friends Ashley, Jimmy, and I were having fun interacting with all the animals at the zoo this day. At that moment we were riding the train at the Detroit Zoo.
  • My First Dance Recital

    My First Dance Recital
    This was my first dance recital when I used to take dance lessons at Pamelas School of Dance. I used to love taking dance classes, I used to take jazz, tap, and hawaiian
  • Church Christmas Program

    Church Christmas Program
    My family and I have always been involved with our church and I would always partake in the different activities they held. This year I played an angel in the Christmas pagent.
  • Cheerleading was always fun

    Cheerleading was always fun
    I used to be a Dearborn Heights Raiders cheerleader which is so cool because my friends son now plays football for the Dearborn heights Raiders. It's crazy to think about how long ago that was.
  • My first Play

    My first Play
    I told my mom I wanted to get involved with starring in a play. Our community center was putting on the play Alice and Wonderland and I got to be the lead role of Alice. My friends all came to see my performance and even brought me flowers.
  • First Day I Wore A Bra

    First Day I Wore A Bra
    I'll never forget the day that my mom let me wear a bra in public. I was going to the daddy daughter date night and she said it was ok for me to wear it as long as I didn't give my dad a hard time while we were there.
  • My First Soccer Team

    My First Soccer Team
    I was not very athletic but I tried to play good on my soccer team which only lasted for the one season
  • My cousins wedding when I finally got my ears pierced

    My cousins wedding when I finally got my ears pierced
    For my cousins wedding the entire bridal party was given matching earrings, necklace, and bracelets. I was the only one who did not have pierced ears so I was pressured into going to Claires to get them pierced before the wedding.
  • My first Road Trip With Friends

    My first Road Trip With Friends
    There are like 5 of us girls from high school who still remain very close to this day and this was when we went to see our friend Amanda in Virginia Beach when she moved in with her ex-husband.
  • This Was Me and My Ex-boyfriends Family at His Cousins Graduation Party

    This Was Me and My Ex-boyfriends Family at His Cousins Graduation Party
    This is a picture of me and my ex-boyfriends family at his cousin Michael's graduation party.
  • This is a Picture of Me and My friend Mike at My First Job

    This is a Picture of Me and My friend Mike at My First Job
    My first job ever was at Bally Total Fitness. I loved that job! There was always cute boys coming in and all my friends got to come and swim and workout for free.
  • The Beginning of My Career

    The Beginning of My Career
    Hopefully one day I finish school and become sucessful. I'm still not quite sure what I would like to do but I'm thinking it will involve a business suit.
  • My Dream Wedding Dress

    My Dream Wedding Dress
    I assume one day that I will get married and have a beautiful big wedding. I would love for this to be my dress
  • My Baby's Nursery

    My Baby's Nursery
    Once I get married I hope to then start a family. If I had a baby girl this would be an adorable nursery
  • Grandkids

    Assuming I start a family of my own I hope to one day to have grandkids that i can spoil just like my grandparents spoil me.
  • Retirement

    One day when I retire I hope to have saved up the money during my working years to live somewhere tropical and beautiful like this.
  • Death

    When I die I would like to be buried with my family.