Jennifer's Technology Story

By mcnutt1

    My brother got an ATARI game system for Christmas, I got a Barbie van. I remember bugging him so much to play that eventually we got a second joystick. We played so much that the actual “stick” began coming apart. I loved that game system, Pac-Man especially. This was my first introduction to enjoying a different type of game other than board games, which I still love, too. Great Christmas memories!
  • 80's School Computer

    80's School Computer
    The computer lab was actually a room with a handful of computers that a few students could gather around and fight over who got the next turn. Until I found this picture, I had forgotten about identification markings on them made with a marker. In this one, you can see it marked as “M9”. I have an appreciation for computer labs with multiple computers for student use. They need and deserve exposure to using the devices. You learn best by doing, well at least I do.
  • Floppy Disk

    Floppy Disk
    The floppy disk. To this day I still do not understand how to format, not that I need that now, but I think I just went through the motions of what the teacher told the class to do with the disk without really knowing a purpose. Actually, it stressed me out! I really think this is one of the events that set the tone for me to be a little resistant with technology, with certain aspects that is. For example, I have no social media...maybe because of the floppy disk experience!
  • Word Processor

    Word Processor
    I had a Word Processor that could be hooked up to a monitor. I thought it was so cool! I never got a monitor, but this processor also had a little screen on the actual typewriter part that showed me what I was typing before it actually appeared on the paper. This saved me in the amount of whiteout I had been using. I was able to save my work on the floppy disk, but only if I formatted it correctly. I think this technology tool prepared me to use Microsoft Word.
  • Microfilm Reader

    Microfilm Reader
    I remember standing in line to use this in undergrad at East Tennessee State University. If you waited close to the library closing time, forget it, too many people waiting. I still find this machine interesting, not that I have used it since undergrad. I really appreciate the more advanced search methods I am able to use today. When I become impatient with slow internet speed, I just have to recall the way I used to find certain information.
  • Webquest

    I had recently moved to West Virginia, began teaching at Andrews Heights Elementary, and also began attending workshops. In my computer workshop and for my final project, I created a Science based Webquest which I used with my 4th grade students. I thought it was so much fun to create, but time consuming because it was my first one. My students enjoyed it as well. This was one of my first experiences of teaching beyond the textbook!