1980's technology

Jennifer's Technology Timeline

  • Atari 2600 System

    Atari 2600 System
    My brother and I got an Atari 2600 system from our parents for Hanukkah. My brother was always good at playing video games. I was above average on some of the games and not so good on others. I remember some of the Atari games we had were Adventure, Keystone Capers, Missile Command, Defender, River Raid, Pitfall, Barnstorming, Grand Prix, Freeway, Breakout, Plaque Attack, and others.
  • Period: to

    RCA 8-Track Tape Player

    I remember my dad giving me an 8-track tape player when I was around 10 years old. I think it was made by RCA. It was the neatest thing because I could put in an 8-track tape and listen to my music. I have always loved music. I remember also it had colorful buttons on it.
  • GE 19-inch TV

    GE 19-inch TV
    My first TV in my room was so exciting for me. It was a 19-inch color TV made by GE. It had a brown wood-looking finish around the TV screen.
  • GE Model 3-6210a Boombox with Handle

    GE Model 3-6210a Boombox with Handle
    My first boombox was a big deal to me. I listen to music alot and my parents gave me this as a gift when I was 15 years old. It is a GE Model 3-6210a radio system that has a dual cassette player. I am almost 50 years old and my dad uses this boombox stereo system to this day.
  • Sony Walkman

    Sony Walkman
    I loved my Sony Walkman because it was the big technology of the time when I was 16. Buying cassette tapes was so much fun. Listening to music was an important way for me to spend my free time.
  • Conair Clear Phone with Cord

    Conair Clear Phone with Cord
    These clear phones where you could see the parts inside of them and them light up when they would ring were a big hit when I was growing up. I ended up getting one of them and I do miss from time to time about phones used to having a cord attached to them and being plugged into the wall all of the time versus cell phones.
  • Typing Class in High School

    Typing Class in High School
    We all had to take typing class in high school. I didn't do too badly. I got up to about 55 wpm. My mom used to be able to type 80 wpm.
  • VideoRecording of me teaching a lesson on VHS tape

    VideoRecording of me teaching a lesson on VHS tape
    In my CI 470 or CI 474 class in my undergraduate studies in Secondary Education at Marshall University I had to teach a couple of lessons and be taped teaching them. After I was taped, I had to go home and watch myself and critique myself about how I delivered my lessons. I had to do two different presentations on tape and the first one was about the culture of Judaism and the second one was about Cells R' Us. The MicroTeaching I and MicroTeaching II were put on a VHS tape for me to view.
  • Nokia Cell Phone

    Nokia Cell Phone
    My first cell phone was a Nokia which I believe I got in 1999. It was a great thing to have for that extra safety precaution when you are travelling and need to get into contact with someone.
  • iPhone 11

    iPhone 11
    Today I own an Apple iPhone 11. I love the picture quality when I take pics. The screen size of the phone isn't too big or too little. It has been a good phone pick for me.
  • Zoom Online Teaching

    Zoom Online Teaching
    When the students were on a remote schedule due to Covid, I taught online for two weeks through Zoom using the school Apple laptop. I was part of a long-term 7th grade Science subbing assignment at this time.