Jennifer Nelson LifeMap

  • Birth

    I was born to a German mother and American father, living in Hamburg, Germany. I was their first child.
  • 20 months - Moved to the United States

    20 months - Moved to the United States
    Infancy - Trust vs Mistrust. We moved to California, closer to my Dad's family and to give my Dad more opportunities to teach. My dad left 2 months before my mom and me, and we were moving away from my maternal grandmother. My Dad and grandmother had been my primary caregivers until then. This affected me on a micro level, changing the main people in my life. It also impacted the macro and exo systems, through a new culture and society as well as new jobs and social networks for my parents.
  • 5 years - Younger brother born

    5 years - Younger brother born
    Early childhood - Autonomy vs Doubt. I was so excited for a sibling! This has impacted my micro and meso systems for the rest of my life. Our family had grown. I had a built in friend, but also a lot of expectations placed on me as the oldest. Having a sibling also changed things at the meso level because it affects several micro systems, including extended family relationships and interactions with friends.
  • 17 years - Started dating high school boyfriend/future husband

    17 years - Started dating high school boyfriend/future husband
    Adolescence - Identity vs Identity Confusion. This relationship was exciting, new, and also had some unhealthy components. We attached very fiercely, and neglected some of our other friendships at the time. This affected me at the micro level, impacting my social groups, school relationships, and family life, the meso, where all of these microsystems interfaced with one another, and the exo because the systems my boyfriend was involved in, like his family, school, and work, also affected me.
  • 20 years - Got married and became a military spouse

    20 years - Got married and became a military spouse
    Late Adolescence - Identity vs Identity Confusion. I married my high school boyfriend. This meant giving up a scholarship, putting school on hold, and moving away from family and friends to the other side of the country for his work. While I was happy to be married, the other changes to my life and identity caused me to struggle with anxiety, depression, and disordered eating. Our age and military life stress also created tension in our marriage. This affected me mostly on micro and exo levels.
  • 23-26 Years - Motherhood, moves, injury, war, and loss

    23-26 Years - Motherhood, moves, injury, war, and loss
    Young Adult - Intimacy vs Isolation. I had my first baby boy at 23, fulfilling my dream of motherhood. At 24, we moved across country for my husband to lead Marines set to deploy to Iraq. During training, my husband sustained a life-threatening MRSA infection, ending his military career just before his unit deployed. We'd end up losing several friends to the war in Iraq, including our best friend. I also became pregnant with our second. Effects at micro, meso, exo, and macro levels.
  • 34 Years - A Roller Coaster Year of Pregnancy Loss and Moving

    34 Years - A Roller Coaster Year of Pregnancy Loss and Moving
    Young Adulthood - Intimacy vs Isolation. We moved to CA from AZ the summer before and lived in 3 homes within 18 months due to landlord issues. I also had two early miscarriages before getting pregnant with our 5th son. At the 20 week ultrasound, the baby no longer had a heartbeat, and I was induced to deliver our stillborn baby. We made one more move back to AZ before the end of the year. My husband and friends helped me get through that year. I was affected at the micro and meso levels.
  • 36 Years - A daughter

    36 Years - A daughter
    Young Adulthood - Intimacy vs Isolation. After 4 healthy boys and one stillbirth, we finally had a girl, a micro level change indeed! I was excited! It would be my last pregnancy, though, and I felt a loss at closing the chapter on my childbearing time. Pregnancy and nursing had been a part of my life for 13 years. A daughter has made me see the world through a new lens. I want her to have fair opportunities and know her worth, just as much as her brothers get to, so macro systems concern me.
  • 40 Years - Time for a New Chapter

    40 Years - Time for a New Chapter
    Middle Adulthood - Generativity vs Stagnation. My family micro system was changing. My oldest was a senior, preparing to graduate and leave home during a pandemic (a macro system issue), and my youngest was getting ready to enter the school system, which would affect the meso system around me as well. Meanwhile, all the national unrest (macro level) had me feeling anxious and determined to be positively involved in a bigger way outside of our home. I started substitute teaching as my next step.
  • 43 Years - Start Master of Social Work Program

    43 Years - Start Master of Social Work Program
    Middle Adulthood - Generativity vs Stagnation. After a few years of subbing, I applied for and started the MSW program at ASU. I want to use this degree as a school counselor or school social worker. It affects my micro and meso systems to be in school right now, but I am adjusting. I hope to eventually use my degree to make a positive impact in the micro, meso, and sometimes even macro systems of the students and families I will work with. I am finally getting the degree I've always wanted.