Period: to
10 years
Resume created
My mom hepled me create a resume so I could get a job because I really needed my own money. -
I won the athletic award at my grade eight graduation at John Wise PS. -
Job interview
I got called for an interview at Giant Tiger for July 10 2014 -
Work experience
I started my job at Giant Tiger on July 10 2014 and plan on working there until I graduate from Parkside. -
Special achievements in your life
I started Karate and from karate I've acheived my belts, and awards from tournaments. -
Volunteer work completed
I would like to start my hours in july 2015 and complete my hours by the end of summer 2015. -
Special school experience
I would like to coop for a gym class because I would like to become a teacher and I think it would be great experience to coop a grade 9 gym class. -
Buy your first car
I would like to buy my own car before I go to post-secondary school. (also before I graduate highschool) -
High school graduation
My OSSD from Parkside. -
Start of Post- Secondary
I would like to begin post- secondary school at western taking courses that help me reach my goal of becoming a phy-ed teacher ( ex. Health Sciences) -
Move out of your guardian(s) house
I would like to live on my own whenI head to post-secondary school. -
Life change – Family
I would like to be with someone I will spend the rest of my life with, -
Start of Career
I would like to start my career as soon as I can after graduating post-secondary school. -
Rent your own apartment / or buy a house
When I am finished post-secondary school, I would like to rent my own apartment.