My Birth-
Received my first vaccination of DTP-Biosocial
First smile-Psychosocial
Ate solid food for first time-Biosocial
Grasp bottle for first time-Biosocial
Took first steps-Biosocial
Said first word-Cognitive
First haircut-Biosocial
Potty Trained-Psychosocial
Learned to write name-Biosocial
Learned to ride a bike-Biosocial
Learned to read-Cognitive
Playing dressup in my mom's heels-Psychosocial
Won Easter egg decorating contest-Cognitive
Tightrope walker in play circus in kindergarten-Psychosocial
Graduated from kindergarten-Cognitive
First friend birthday party at Burger Chef-Psychosocial
My Little Sister was born-Psychosocial
Second place in 75 yard dash-Biosocial
Played a munchkin in "The Wizard of Oz" high school play-Psychosocial
Made my first communion-Psychosocial
Third place in 50 yd dash at field day-Biosocial
First place in jump rope event at field day-Biosocial
Received all A's on my first graded report card-Cognitive
Parents divorce final-Psychosocial
Moved to new home-Psychosocial
Recieved elementary school award-Language Arts-Cognitive
Received math award, elemntary school-Cognitive
Great Grandmother passed away-Psychosocial
Received Language Arts award-elementary school-Cognitive
Remember playing on slip and slide all summer-Biosocial
1st place in 220 yd dash-field day-Biosocial
Pitcher and shortstop for Little League Team-Biosocial
Scored above the 90th percentile in reading on MEAP-Cognitive
Spelling Bee Winner-Cognitive
Community Improvement Clean-Up Campaign Winner-Psychosocial
Special Commendation Award-Being a safety-Psychosocial
Teacher Assistant Award-Cognitive
Citizenship Award-Psychosocial
Remember playing with little sister, pulling her in wagon-Biosocial
Made my confirmation-Psychosocial
Honor Roll Distinction all four card markings, 8th grade-Cognitive
Remember feeling embarassed that I wasn't "maturing" as other girls
Remember feeling stress of school and responsibilites at home, my single mother, now working-Biosocial
Remember feeling peer pressure, because I was very "studious"-Psychosocial
Went to first dance, Homecoming-Psychosocial
Went to First Spinster Dance-Psychosocial
Inducted into National Honor Society-Cognitive
Received outstanding achievement award, 2nd year French student-Cognitive
Awarded by Phi Beta Kappa for high scholastic record-Cognitive
Awarded Valedictorian of Senior Class-Cognitive
Attended the "Best in the Class" taping through Channel 7
Graduated from High School-Cognitive
Began dating my husband-Psychosocial
Started to develop anxiety over school responsibilities and working
Began college-U-M Dearborn-Cognitive
Began to feel more self-confident 2nd year in college, in emerging adulthood-Psychosocial
Continue to date my husband, long-distance, writing letters throughout college years-Psychosocial
Maintained a high GPA throughout undergrad-Dean's List all four years-Cognitive
Bought our first house-Psychosocial
Got married-Psychosocial
Began masters in Adult Instruction-Cognitive
Got first job as a teacher-Psychosocial
Had RK done on eyes to correct vision-Biosocial
Had a miscarriage-Biosocial
Anxiety worsened forcing me to take a leave of absence from work-Biosocial
Began exercising rigorously and eating right to try and overcome anxiety-Biosocial
Returned to work-Psychosocial
Graduated with Master's degree-Cognitive
Quit teaching job-Psychosocial
Started substitute teaching after quitting full-time teaching job-Psychosocial
Had first child-Biosocial
Grandfather passed away-Psychosocial
Had second miscarriage-Biosocial
Bought house in now- didn't move until May-Psychosocial
Had second child-Biosocial
Moved from first house-Psychosocial
My youngest sister gets married-Psychosocial
Started taking classes at Schoolcraft-Cognitive
Graduate from nursing program, Schoolcraft-Cognitive
Graduate with Master's in Nursing-Cognitive
Start working as a nurse educator-Psychosocial
Son Graduates from high school-Psychosocial
Daughter Graduates from High School-Psychosocial
Son Graduates from college-Psychosocial
Daughter graduates from college-Psychosocial
Son gets married-Psychosocial
Daughter gets married-Psychosocial
First Grandchild born-Psychosocial
Buy retirement condo in Florida-Psychosocial
Doctor amazed at 70 year checkup, great health!-Biosocial
Forgot grandaughter's birthday-memory declining-Cognitive
Spouse dies-Psychosocial
Die suddenly, no suffering