Jennie's Reading History

  • Thanks mom!

    Thanks mom!
    My mother would read books to my brother and I daily. Early exposure to language and books on a regular basis is where my love for books and reading all began.
  • Kindergarten

    Began school and started learning about the written alphabet, sound-symbol relationships, and concepts of print.
  • Music Connection?

    Music Connection?
    I began playing the flute and reading music at age 7 and excelled in this arena. My mother always told me that reading music and reading text went hand-in-hand. Maybe she was right!
  • My first novel

    My first novel
    I remember reading "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" as my first novel in 3rd grade. I recall being excited that my teacher was allowing me to read this book about a group of kids that misbehaved, lied, smoked, cussed, etc. It felt like I was reading something I shouldn't be reading, which contributed to my love for the book.
  • Choose Your Own Adventure

    Choose Your Own Adventure
    Although I did very well in school and was an excellent reader, I did not enjoy reading for fun. My mother was concerned, so she went on a mission to find books I would want to read. I LOVED the "Choose Your Own Adventure" books!
  • Reading Rainbow

    Reading Rainbow
    One of my favorite shows was "Reading Rainbow". Once a week, our class would go to the library and watch the show. We would then select our own books to summarize like they do in the show. These are available on for free (seasons 1-4) through Amazon Prime.
  • Teenage Years

    Teenage Years
    During my teenage years, I enjoyed reading mystery, suspense, horror, and gothic novels by authors such as Stephen King and V.C. Andrews.
  • The Public Library

    The Public Library
    After the birth of my daughter, my husband and I moved to North Carolina. I was young, didn't know anyone, and I was broke, so I would take my daughter to the library at least three times a week and we would borrow 10-20 books each visit.
  • Socrates

    In college, I took a philosophy class in which I had to read "The Clouds". This was different from any book (it is actually a play) I had ever read, and it was a challenge for me to understand some of the language, but I ultimately loved it. Bring on new things!
  • Paid for Reading!

    Paid for Reading!
    In college, I was often selected to read text in class. I was offered pay to record myself reading a Sociology textbook and a Psychology textbook for a blind student. Who says "no" to money in college?
  • Toni Morrison

    Toni Morrison
    In my first class at UNLV, we had to select a novel to read from a list, and I selected Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye". I fell in love with her writing and I think for the first time, I was able to 'feel' the life of another person through her characters; their viewpoint and experiences. I have read several of her books since taking that class.
  • What's Next?

    What's Next?
    It seems like I have read mostly for college classes in the past 15+ years, but I have been able to read a few books for enjoyment since then; Harry Potter series, Nicholas Sparks, and of course, suspense/thriller books by James Patterson. My next book is going to be "Haatchi & Little B" which I plan to read, sitting by the pool, as soon as this class ends!