Sep 18, 1543
Copernicus publishe heliocentric theory
Nicolaus Copernicus was a mathmatician and astronomer who proposed that the sun was stationary in the center of the universe and the sun the earth revolves around it. -
hobbes published Leviathan
Leviathan is a book that was published by Thomas Hobbes.The leviathan is a huge water monster, mentioned in several books of the Bible. Leviathan is mentioned in the books of Job, Psalms, and Isaiah, and there are several traditional Jewish prayers that also include the leviathan. -
Issac Newton
Isacc Newton was a English natural philosopher, generally regarded as the most original and influential theorist in the history of science. In addition to his invention of the infinitesimal calculus and a new theory of light and color, Newton transformed the structure of physical science with his three laws of motion and the law of universal gravitation. -
the social contract is published
An agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits. -
American colonies declare of independence
Based on John Locke's political writings &Taxation without representation. -
start of the French Revolution
the french Revoultion started because the french wanted to be treated equally & fair like the colonies. -
Storming of the bastille
On 14 July 1789, a state prison on the east side of Paris, known as the Bastille, was attacked by an angry and aggressive mob. -
Marry Wollstonecraft published a vindication of the rights of woman
Marry was a british writer , who believed that woman should have equal rights in education and the right to vote. -
king Louis XVI was executed: The reign of terror begins
King Louis XVI was executed by guillotine in the Place de la Revolution in Paris. King Louis XVI was a very selfish king. -
Napoleeon cown himself as emperor
Napoleon crowned himself Emperor on 2 December 1804 at Notre-Dame Cathedral