Official Offer Sent/Recieved
Counter Offer Sent/Received
HTM Jason Muhlbauer--1st Attempt
HTM was created and salary reflected candidates counter offer instead of the correct approved salary -
Period: to
HTM Salary Mix Up
Delay in processing HTM form because the candidates requested salary was listed instead of the approved salary to go towards the offer. -
HTM for Jason Muhlbauer--2nd and Final
The form was inspected by me and corrected to the correct approved salary for the candidate. -
Period: to
Date of HTM Submittal to Candidate Declining Job
Jason Rreceives offer from other company-5 days telework
Fulton Co IT counters with 5 day teleworking approval
Approved telework schedule and $70k offer sent to Jason Muhlbauer
Jason Muhlbauer declines offer from Fulton County