

  • Period: to


    The day I was born. It was in Anchorage, Alaska. In Elmendorf Hospital.
  • Moved

    When i was 2 years old i moved down to San Antonio, Texas where I lived for 4 years. I went to preschool. I also went to kindergarten for half a year.
  • Sea World

    Sea World
    I've been there a few times. It was a fun experience. I enjoyed watching the Orcas.
  • Moved To Mesa, Arizona

    This is the time when I moved down here. because my dad retired from the Air Force. We lived with my Grandma for a short while. We found a place to stay when I got to 2nd grade.
  • Trip to Carlsbad Caverns

    Trip to Carlsbad Caverns
    It was a fun trip. I got to go inside a cave. I also saw bats there too.
  • Period: to

    3rd to 6th Grade

    It felt slow. But it being school it was important stuff. In 6th grade I got to got to go on a few Field Trips.
  • Funeral

    My Aunt Charley pass away in her sleep. We had a funeral to plan. I was very sad.
  • Trip Through California

    Trip Through California
    It was roughly a 12 day trip. I went through Death Valley on my mom's birthday. It was interesting being below sea level. It was very hot.
  • Period: to

    3 Week Trip to Nebraska

    Went to go visit my mom's side of the family which is pretty big. I enjoyed the trip a lot. It was really fun.
  • And so on in the Present to the Future

    That is pretty much all it was. I hope this is a good year. I hope i do great.