Jasmine Jones TimeLine

  • Period: to

    Unlocking The Mystery of My Life

    Much more wonderful days to come!
  • Moving to Arkansas

    Moving to Arkansas
    One day Im watching tv on the couch with my dad the next were on a road trip as my mother calls it. I ended up at my grandmother house for a Year than I moved to my aunts for 6 years. This opened my eyes to a whole new world of cruelty and tough love.
  • Great Grandfather- "BD"

    My Grandmother told me several stories from when he was alive, I visited him often I can still think back to him being the sweetest man on earth, he gave his all to his family and garden. He taught me to Push through everything thats going on in your life until your last breathe.
  • My first Crush...

    My first Crush...
    If you had Mrs. Crow in 3rd grade than you should know!
    I had a Green Notebook with all of our dreams in it
    My aunt found out and read it to the classroom
    Hilarious I realized at that moment to keep your business out the streets.
  • Uncle Chris

    Uncle Chris
    His death was unexpected it happened in Little Rock while he was on the job. It shifted my life at a young age making me realize family will not be there forever. Enjoy the lessons they teach you while they're alive.
  • Helping Hands!

    Helping Hands!
    Robert is One special boy, He has touched so many different lives including mine. His character and personality shined through everything he did. Goza was a very supportive school to help him raise money for surgery and I'm proud to say I was apart of that school in the time thats it all was happening. small lesson turn into big ones but this is such a cliche "Don't judge a Book by its cover"
  • Winter Wonderland @ Goza

    Winter Wonderland @ Goza
    My First Social Dance; Having a Great time with your friends makes your forget you live in a cruel world that will chew you up and spit you out like nothing ever happened. Being put on a high step comes with a lot of pressure that get to a kids head.
  • Bonding Time

    Bonding Time
    The day I moved in with my mother after 7-9 years of me not living with her. It was Like us getting to know each other for the first time currently we still are learning the small things. We argued and fought 24/7 even when we were apart we debated on the phone but it taught me patience that i am still trying to deal with and use.
  • Arkansas Southwest Preparatory Academy

    Arkansas Southwest Preparatory Academy
    Prep is a better way to say it. This has prepared me for so much for than the ACT, In the beginning it was all a joke to me but this summer I took the ACT and got over the nervousness that i felt. This program many applied but other did not get in or they went to Upward Bound (I wish lowkey) but It gives me a open view of my college choices.
  • The Bundle of Stress

    The Bundle of Stress
    My Cousin Skylar was a Surprise to everyone even her mother who is 41 years old. I was soo Mad that she was having a girl like I was the only girl and youngest in my family. This lesson taught me no matter how old you are things happen and you should always wrap it up but now i love and babysit her more than anything else in my life.
  • Gulf Port Mexico

    Gulf Port Mexico
    This trip was a adult type of experience for me. Everyone had to pay for their passport and food along with anything else they wanted to have on this trip. My aunt Tameka wanted to go here for her Birthday, she only paid for the Condo. Survival skills and budgeting kicked in well into the second day and we were suppose to stay only two weeks that turned into four weeks lord.