Jasmine Alvarez

  • Ashley's Birth

    This is my sister's birthday!! She basically takes care of like all of us in the house and I love her.
  • Jasmine's Birth

    This is my birthday!! I was born on a weird day I guess, my zodiac is a gemini/cancer. It's a cusp :)
  • Meeting My Soulmate

    I met my best friend in 7th grade! I'm not exactly sure on the date as my memory is a little bad, but I wouldn't trade her for the world. She's so important to me and I'm so glad we met.
  • Getting My Dog!

    I got my first puppy on Christmas, 2018. I woke up to the cutest golden puppy face looking down at me. I really can't leave her alone. She's my perfect chihuahua and I love her so much :D
  • COVID :(

    COVID was something that impacted me both positively and negatively. Although it took a large chunk of my social skills, it also introduced me to new friends online. Friends that I'm going to school with now, that are slowly helping me get that part of myself back