Jarilee's EDFX 203 Logbook

  • Meeting With Mr. H

    My first meeting to discuss expectations and class schedule.
  • First Day (6hr, 50min)

    8:40am - 3:30pm.My first day in class. I observed two classes of Math 20-2 and one class of Math 30-2 with Mr Henderson. My last block was spent with Mrs Gerry observing ESL Science 15.
  • Second Day (7 hrs)

    Today I worked with Mr. H [Math 20-2, NDHS, Math 30-2, Math 20-2] and spent my last block with Mrs. S [Math 30-1]. I was also introduced to the ~30 minute period designated for "NDHS Help Sessions."
  • Third Day (7 hr, 30 min)

    8:30am- 4:00pm. Today I worked with Mr. H, and got to make a key and mark about 50 students' math assignments and input them into the computer. It was a great learning experience! I also joined in on some safety protocols and drills. I toured the learning commons and met with the people who work there.
  • Fourth Day (7hrs)

    8:30am-3:30 pm. Today was new and exciting for me! Since it is a Wednesday I got to go to the Math Department Meeting. It was so great to meet all of the teachers and the department head, and also listen to their math discussions. I also met the counsellors in the student services office/teen ministry.
  • Fifth Day (7 hrs)

    8:30am-3:30pm. Today I observed Mr. H teach Math 20-2, 30-2 and 20-2. I also spent time making an answer key, marking assignments, and inputting marks into the computer.
  • Sixth Day (3hrs, 30mins)

    8:30am-12:00pm. Today I attended my first PD day. It was a morning filled with religion, prayer, songs, a presentation and discussion. I did not stay for the afternoon portion as my mentor teacher had meetings.
  • Seventh Day (6hrs, 30min)

    8:30am-3:00pm. Today my mentor teacher was busy coaching/hosting a handball tournament, so I worked with Ms. Z. The students started a new unit and worked on projects. We also got a chance to go watch handball and support the school's team.
  • Eighth Day (6 hrs)

    8:30am-2:30pm. Today there was a substitute teacher, Mrs. M. The students worked on projects and learned a new lesson.
  • Ninth Day (7 hrs)

    8:30am- 3:30pm. Today I observed Mr. H's Math 20-2, Math 30-2, Math 20-2 and phys ed (he subbed for another teacher). The students had quizzes and I helped mark some worksheets.
  • Tenth Day (6 hrs, 45 mins)

    8:30am- 2:45pm. Today was my very last day of my field experience. I watched Mr. H's 3 classes and finished all of my marking. I finally got to witness a "Celebration Day" at NDHS, it was great to see the religious aspects of a Catholic high school and see the entire school come together as a whole to celebrate Easter.