
Janie's Apartment

  • My Goal

    My Goal
    Over the next 5 years, I'll put $150 per month away from my paychecks for an apartment that is $400 per month and have enough rent for 22 months.
  • Transfering $150

    Transfering $150
    Transfer my first $150 from my RVNB savings to my High Peaks.
  • First Paycheck

    First Paycheck
    Put all my first paycheck into savings to make up for the winter months.
  • Looking for deals

    Looking for deals
    Go online and look through apartment listings in the Bozeman area and look for basline prices.
  • Roommate

    Talk to friends from college and see if anyones is interested in rooming with me.
  • Leasing

    Sign the lease
  • Moving Day

    Moving Day
    Move in to the new apartment