Janelle_C_PSY 313

  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    1.1 Entering Adolescence
    It is the transition period from childhood to adolescence; when I first got my period at about age 13, I noticed my hormones started to change and be moodier. Puberty starts to change, and the biological, cognitive and socioemotional becomes more adolescent than in childhood. I want to wear makeup more often and be more involved with sports such as cheerleading. I went away from home for deaf sports camp, started hanging out with my friends more often, and wanted to be more independent.
  • 4.1 Gender Intensification

    Gender intensification is when psychological and behavioral differences between boys and girls become more significant during adolescence because of increased socialization pressures to conform to traditional gender roles. As I grew up with my sisters, I always dressed up and used make-up with my friends, as we were feminine instead of a tomboy. Boys in my class would act masculine as we each followed our gender roles. This does match the gender intensification hypothesis.
  • 2.1 Maturational Timing

    I am an average maturer; I was 13 when I first got menarche. During my sexual maturation, I noticed my breasts grew before my pubic hair. I was self-conscious of my body image when I first entered puberty but then felt proud of my body image. My parents constantly boosted my self-esteem. If I had been an early maturer, it most likely would have caused more problem behavior; early sexual intercourse, smoking, etc. However, it wouldn't affect me because I was fully aware of puberty changes.
  • 3.1 Social Cognition

    I'm more self-conscious about dark hair on my legs. People would notice that I would stand out because of my dark hair. I would shave my legs every day. I experienced an imaginary audience; I thought everyone could see the dark hair on my legs which they probably didn't even notice. It was part of my adolescent egocentrism. Therefore, it was the best solution for me to shave daily as my hypothetical deductive reasoning. So people would think I have no hair on my legs.
  • 6.2 Companionship

    I grew up with the same best friend, Carina, and our moms are best friends. She came back to my school, and we were two in one and did everything together, joining cheerleading, going to the mall, and going over to each other’s houses. We enjoyed doing different things together, including ego support and encouragement, talking, laughing, and discussing. This matches the description of companionship.
  • 7.1 Transition to High School

    Even though my transition to high school was smooth, I felt different because, in my last year of middle school, I felt I was part of the top dog phenomenon as my class was the oldest, most experienced, etc. Then in high school, I would be the youngest and most inexperienced in a new environment. My transition experience wasn’t bad because my best friend was still with me and the community was small. I knew most of the high school students so that I could interact well. I am mature for my age.
  • 3.2 Differentiation

    When I'm at school, I am shyer, I don't want to be the center of attention, so I am quiet. I didn't have complete confidence in myself like at home. At home, I am the youngest one in the family. I love to have full attention and be the center of attention, and I am mischievous. I show my true self at home rather than in school.
  • 3.3 Self-Awareness

    I was aware that good relationships with peers and people are essential. I do keep secrets from my friends and family. I wouldn't ruin their trust; loyalty is crucial to me. I do give good advice and listen well. I also love to make people laugh. I have a great sense of humor. That is how I see myself.
  • 2.2 Niche Picking

    I always was into the art world and being creative growing up. My two older sisters are into art, and my parents have creativity. The school gave me opportunities to pick what may interest me. I knew I always wanted to do hairdressing, so I decided to attend a six-week trial if it was my interest. I loved it. I have always had a passion for hairdressing. I love to cut hair and do braids for my family. Eventually, in college, I dyed people's hair and did the cutting. It became my passion.
  • 6.1 Parent Adolescent Conflict

    I have a great relationship with my parents, and everyday issues between us are pretty good. For instance, my egocentrism wanted to get a belly piercing like my best friend when I was 15, but my dad wouldn't let me because he felt I was too young and wanted me to wait till I was 18. That's where our conflict came in, I disagreed and wanted it now, but his expectations of me were to wait till I was 18. We debated with logical reasoning then he finally gave in and waited till I was 16.
  • 6.3 Intimacy/Affection

    I met a guy who was willing to learn sign language for me and took me out on dates such as going to the beach, dinners, etc. It helped me have feelings of self-worth that someone took an interest in learning ASL for me, and he was pretty good at it. Full disclosure he was the first guy I felt attracted to and had a loving feeling for. It matches the description of affection.
  • 7.3 Intrinsic Motivation

    When I was a senior in high school, I wanted a regents diploma, and I was self-determined to get one instead of a general certification. English was my weakest subject. I had extra help and studied hard to achieve my goal of passing my English regents test, which I did. I made the choice that I wanted the challenges; it showed that I could get what I wanted to achieve. My motivation got me to earn a regents diploma. I was so proud of myself. It does match the description of intrinsic motivation.
  • 8.1 Rite of Passage

    At my high school graduation, I achieved my regent's diploma and was the student of the year. So I had many accomplishments during high school. Now, a new chapter begins in college and away from home. A rite of passage is transitioning from one stage of life to another. It is one of the milestones in my life which matches the rites of passage.
  • 7.2 Transition to College

    It was my first time away from home entering Gallaudet University. I was homesick because of my closeness to my family, even though I am learning to be more independent and meet diverse people. I do enjoy meeting new people, but at the same time, I miss my family. The first year, I was overwhelmed with new things and stressed with classes, but I adjusted and put things in perspective, and I got used to the new environment and schedule after a few weeks.
  • 1.2 Entering Emerging Adulthood

    1.2 Entering Emerging Adulthood
    Emerging adulthood is when there is instability in love, work, and education. I know who I am as an identity. I finally got two jobs and handled more responsibilities and obligations. I have students and am doing what a teacher would do. I discovered I love working in the school environment and making my own decisions about what is suitable for me. Even though I still have instability and am still exploring more opportunities, facing real challenges from the outside world.