Technology pic

Janeen's Technology Timeline

  • Fast Food

    Fast Food
    I was so used to my mom using the stove and the oven to cook our meals growing up. Sometimes I was so impatient and wondering when dinner would be ready. When my parents bought a microwave, I was elated. The microwave clip art was retrieved from
  • The Jackson kids meet Mario and Luigi

    The Jackson kids meet Mario and Luigi
    This was when my older brother and I were introduced to the Nintendo. My parents bought us a Nintendo, which you can imagine, lead to many competitive game nights. The Mario picture was retrieved from
  • Goodbye Cassette Tapes; Hello CDs

    Goodbye Cassette Tapes; Hello CDs
    This was the year I bought, (well my parents bought) me my first CD. It was of Mary J. Blige. You can imagine my joy when I did not have to turn over the tape and just being able to go to the song I wanted to hear right away. The CD picture was retrieved from
  • Welcome to the World Wide Web

    Welcome to the World Wide Web
    This was my first experience with using the internet. I was with a couple of friends and we did some exploring on websites like Yahoo and Ask Jeeves. We also learned about chat rooms. The World Wide Web picture was retrieved from
  • My First Computer

    My First Computer
    During my first year of undergraduate school, we were required to have laptops for school assignments. I have never heard of a laptop and wondered how we could use and afford one. The laptop picture was retrieved from
  • Online Academics

    Online Academics
    I started the school counseling graduate program at Marshall University. This was the first time I took classes that were strictly online. At first I was nervous because I thought I would not be able to keep up with my classes because I was not in an actual class with the professor in front of me. After a while, taking classes online became easier. The Marshall logo pic was retrieved from