Jamestown Choosen by Colonist
Jamestown, Virginia was choosen by the colonist as the site for settlement. Jamestown had deep river channels which met the requirements set by the London Company. -
Period: to
The Jamestown Settlement
Events that occured in the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia. -
Captain John Smith
Captian John Smith began an exploring and trading expedition. He was captured by Powhatan's hunting men and taken to Chief Powhatan. -
New Settlers Arrived
A flagship carrying Sir Thomas Gates and a fleet with more than 300 new settlers arrived in Virginia. The settlers were tired and hungry and looking for land to settle. -
Pocahontas was baptized and married John Rolfe. John Rolfe began experimenting with tobacco seeds that he recieved from the West Indies. -
Beginning of Slavery in Jamestown
Slavery in Colonial America began in Virginia in 1619 because of the great need to find cheap labor to help produce cotton, tobacco, and other goods. -
The First Representative assembly in English America
After Chief Powhatan died in 1618, the Virginia General Assembly and the first Representative Assembly in Enlgish America adopted the Virginia Company's Instructions to created new laws. -
The Mayflower Compact
The male settlers of Jamestown signed the Mayflower Compact. This was the first agreement for self-government in America. The Mayflower Compact calls for majority rule. -
Pilgrims land in Plymoth
The pilgrims landed in Plymoth to establish their colony in "Northern Virginia". The pilgrims established this idea of their colony aboard the Mayflower. -
Indian attact on colonist.
The Indians were lead by Chief Opechancanough to attact and kill over 500 colonist. Chief Opechancanough was shot by a resident in Jamestown. -
Jamestown after the Colony
In 1698, Jamestown remained the Capital of Virginia. Its major statehouse that was located on the western end of Preservation Virginia property was burned. The Capital was then moved to Williamsburg in 1698. By the late 1750s the land became heavily cultivated primarily. -
The Virignia Charter is revoked
The Virginia Company was formed with a charter from King James I in 1606. The Virginia Company was a joint stock corporation that was charged with the settlement of Virginia. The leaders began using lotteries, seaching for gold, and silkworm production to increase their profits. In part due to the Indian Massacre of 1622, the charter was revoked in 1624 and Virginia became a Crown colony.