
  • King James I issues a charter for the Virginia Company

    King James I issues a charter for the Virginia Company
  • Captains Christopher Newport, Bartholomew Gosnold, and John Radcliffe left London.

    Captains Christopher Newport, Bartholomew Gosnold, and John Radcliffe left London.
  • Captain Christopher Newport arrived in the Chesapeake Bay.

    Captain Christopher Newport arrived in the Chesapeake Bay.
  • 104 men arrived at the site of the first permanent English settlement.

  • James Fort was completed.

    James Fort was completed.
  • Captain Newport arrives with the second supply, bringing men, women, and children

  • On January 7th, 1608, a fire broke out that destroyed much of the fort and the buildings within it.

    On January 7th, 1608, a fire broke out that destroyed much of the fort and the buildings within it.
  • John Smith becomes the president of the Jamestown council and established a strict plan to keep the colony under control.

    John Smith becomes the president of the Jamestown council and established a strict plan to keep the colony under control.
  • The Starving Time

    Settlers had to survive off what was inside the fort. Many ate horses, cats, dogs, and some even chose cannibalism.
  • The Starving Time Survivors are found

    The remaining colonists were found by the survivors of the Sea Venture in May 1610. These colonists were supposed to arrive in Jamestown with the third supply but got stuck on Bermuda because of a Hurricane.
  • John Rolfe experiments with tobacco

    John Rolfe experiments with tobacco
  • The charter is renewed and the Virginia Company is given more power to self-govern

  • The English population in Virginia is 351.

    The English population in Virginia is 351.
  • The Virginia House of Burgesses meets for the first time.

    The Virginia House of Burgesses meets for the first time.
  • Virginia becomes a royal colony and the Virginia Company loses its charter.