Jamestown 1606-1613

By John Z
  • A colony was chartered by King James I

    A colony was chartered by King James I
    King James I chartered a voyage sponsored by the Virgina Company.
  • Leave England

    Leave England
    Three ships leave England to start a colony. They are the Susan Constant, Godspeed and Discovery.
  • Location selected

    Location selected
    The colonist pick a location to build, led by Captain Christopher Newport. This spot was near the river and easy to defend.
  • John Smith becomes leader

    John Smith becomes leader
    Captain John Smith was elected to lead the colony.
  • First 2 women arrive

    The first 2 women arrive in Jamestown.
  • John Smith goes back to England

    Captain John Smith is injured by gunpowder and goes to England. After he leaves, the colonists go to war with the Native Americans and many die from not having enough food.
  • More settlers arrive

    More settlers arrived in the Spring with supplies.
  • Tobacco cash crop

    Tobacco cash crop
    John Rolfe introduces tobacco as a cash crop and marries Pocahontas.