James hargreaves

James Hargreaves

  • 1720

    James Hargreaves was born Jun 1st 1720.
  • 1764

    James Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny in 1764. The spinning jenny was a machine in which multiple threads of cotton could be woven together with an wheel and a spindle. Because the textile industry as poor in England at the time, this invention had helped greatly. (The specific date of the invention is unclear.)
  • 1768

    James Hargreaves Moves to Nottingham
  • 1770

    James Hargreaves recieved a patent on his invention in 1770.
  • 1778

    James Hargreaves passed away on April 22nd, 1778.
  • disadvantage and advantage of spinning jenny

    disadvantage-low yarn strength
    advantage-high delivery speeds
  • how do we use his invention today

    he do not use it , but we use machines that were similiar to it that go faster and less maintence.