May 5, 1494
Columbus found Jamaica
Jamaica History
Christopher Columbus found Jamaica on his second voyage on May 5, 1494 -
Mar 1, 1509
Spanish settled in Jamaica
href='http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Jamaica#Spanish_rule:_1509.E2.80.931655' >Spanish Settle</a> Spanish settled in Jamaica in 1509 -
Maroon colonies are growing
Maroon colonies grow as Spanish slaves are freed to fight the British as the Spanish retreat.
Maroon colonies
Maroon colonies of escaped slaves begin to develop in Blue and John Crow Mountains and Cockpit Country. -
British Empire
British Empire
Because the loss of property and life in the 1831 rebellion, the British Parliament held two inquiries. The results of these inquiries contributed greatly to the abolition of slavery as of August 1, 1834, throughout the British Empire. -
the 1,000 dwellings were destroyed
!,000 dwellings were detroyedIn October 1865 the 1,000 dwellings were destroyed. -
Kingston became the capital of Jamaica
kingston became the capital of Jamaica Refugees settled in Kingston in 1716. Kingston became Jamaicas capital in1872 -
Jamaican vote held for national referendum.
Jamaicans vote in Jamaican Vote held by Manley government to leave the West Indies Federation. -
The death of Bob Marley
Death of Bob Marley
Bob Marley died on May 11 , 1981 he died by a cancer in his toe which spreded to his lungs and he died. -