Jake Young cw project

  • Period: to

    Berlin Airlift

    It was the first major international crisis of the cold war. The soviet union blocked the western allies' railways.
  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    When the united states, Canada, and several European countries provided extra protection against the soviet union.
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    The Korean war was a war between north and south Korea.
  • Creation of Warsaw Pact

    Creation of Warsaw Pact
    The warsaw pact was created in reaction to the interrogation of West Germany into NATO.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    Military conflict between South Vietnam(supported by the U.S.) and communist North Vietnam.
  • Sputnik

    The first artificial earth satellite. The Soviet Union launched it into an elliptical low orbit. Its batteries died and took two months before falling back into the atmosphere.
  • Construction of the Berlin Wall

    Construction of the Berlin Wall
    The wall was built to keep the country's people in.
  • Period: to

    Cuban Missile Crisis

    The Cuban missile crisis was a 13-day confrontation between the united states and soviet union it was started over the discovery of the Soviet ballistic missile deployment in Cuba.
  • First Lunar Landing

    First Lunar Landing
    The first time humans set foot on the moon.
  • Destruction of Berlin Wall

    Destruction of Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall fell because of political changes in eastern Europe and civil unrest in Germany put pressure on the east german government to loosen some regulations.