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Jake Crocker's timeline

By beefoup
  • Birth

    On November 18th, 2003, I was born in White Plains Hospital
  • Moving to Brewster

    Moving to Brewster
    In 2007, I moved from Bedford Hills, NY to Brewster, NY. We got a house in the village, which is heavily populated with Guatemalans. This shaped who I am in many ways, because almost all of my friends up to middle school were from Guatemala, which made me really appreciate big parts of their culture such as the food, music and Soccer. If my family hadn't made this move at this stage in my life, I would've had a much different childhood and would probably be a much different person.
  • First time playing on a soccer team

    First time playing on a soccer team
    In 2012, I was really having fun playing soccer at my friends' houses, so I decided to join the Brewster United Soccer Club and got put on the blue team. I liked playing on attack, but I was a better defender. A big part of why I was a good defender was because I slide tackled a lot, which was not allowed. However, since I was just a little kid, I just got warnings to stop slide tackling. I continued to play soccer until 8th grade, but I moved on from it once I reached High School.
  • The first death in my life

    The first death in my life
    When I was three or four years old, my family got a German Shepherd named Kayak. I had a very close bond with this dog, I always played with him in the yard, we sat together on the couch, and he protected me. However, he had a really bad hip problem and he started getting very aggressive. He ended up biting the mailman and one of my Mom's friends, and we sadly had to put him down. This was very painful for me, and I cried endlessly about this loss. It was the first instance of grief in my life.
  • Start of middle school

    Start of middle school
    With middle school came a big change in my social life. I met some friends in fourth and fifth grade, and with their connections, we combined into a group of friends in sixth grade. With these new friends, I started playing more video games such as Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto and Minecraft. In middle school I slowly started drifting from my old group of friends and hanging out more with this new group of friends. I slowly stopped playing and watching soccer and did more gaming at this point.
  • Getting bullied

    Getting bullied
    In 7th grade, there was a kid in my group of friends that picked on me a lot. He made fun of me a lot, excluded me from Xbox parties and did many things that angered me a lot. For instance, he once pinned me down and shoved a Popsicle stick into my throat because he thought it was funny. However, I made the mistake of not standing up to him, because if i were to drop him as a friend, it would mean dropping all my other friends at the time. Also, there were many other times he was fun to talk to.
  • Learning to longboard

    Learning to longboard
    My whole life, I wanted to learn how to skateboard, but never really got around to it. However, this changed in the fall of 2018 when my friend, Paul, taught me how to longboard on one of his boards. I was getting the hang of it, and all of the sudden, I had a big wipe-out going down a hill and scraped myself badly. However, I didn't let this stop me and I continued to ride. I have had a number of other bad falls, but it is now one of my favorite hobbies that makes me forget about my problems.
  • Freshman Year of High School and the summer afterwards

    Freshman Year of High School and the summer afterwards
    My freshman year of High School was the best school year of my life so far. First and foremost, I made many new friends. I still have my old friends from 8th grade, but most of my current friends are ones that I met in my freshman year. Not only did I meet new people, I started hanging out with people way more often. In middle school, we just played Xbox together and hung out about once every few weeks, but during this time, i started hanging out with people a whole lot and making many memories.
  • Dropping Meatloaf

    Dropping Meatloaf
    Probably my biggest mistake working at a restaurant was when I dropped a meatloaf on the floor, shattering the plate and ruining the food. I was working as the expeditionary, which is the step between the food being cooked and the food going out to the customers. The restaurant was completely full and there was a massive rush in the kitchen. I was working as fast as possible to get the food out and I dropped a meatloaf on the floor. I freaked out, but carried on to get through the rush.
  • My first job

    My first job
    On May 31st, 2019, I got a text from a friend asking if I wanted a job at the restaurant he works at. I was fast to respond and did my first training shift for the Bull & Barrel the next day. It was a thrilling feeling to start making my own money and not relying on my parents as much. It was also a lot of fun working at this job, because a lot of my friends started working there as well. In the past year I have made lots of money because I have taken every single shift possible.
  • "What if" night

    "What if" night
    This night may have been the best night of my life. I was in the car with some of my friends after watching a movie and we started having random ideas that started with the words "what if." Since we were feeling very spontaneous, we actually did every idea suggested. We ended up driving to all of our friends's houses giving them pictures of flowers printed on paper, building a sandcastle at 3 am and going to NYC at 4 am just to get a selfie in front of the Empire State Building.