Cesarean Delivery
I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. The doctors tried for a few hours to position me head first as I was in breech presentation. Their attempt failed and my mother gave birth to me via cesarean. There was no complications during or after the c-section-- Section 3.2 -
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Sleeping Beauty
My parents were well aware of SIDS. They told me for my first year of life they took EVERY precaution necessary to prevent SIDS because they were so scared. My mother said she would set her timer every hour just to check if I was okay because I would sleep through the whole night as a baby and not wake up to feed-- Section 4.1 -
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Bilingual Child
Growing up I was introduced to 2 languages. Samoan and English. I grew up to use mostly Samoan (some English) at home and mostly English outside of home. Because of this I did have a tendency to pronounce or cut out some English words when speaking. According to our textbook this is the case of intermixing the syntax of two languages. Section 7.4 -
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Breastfed Baby
My mother breastfed me all the way up until I was 2 years old. She said her mother and grandmother told her breastfeeding makes babies stronger and healthy. My mom also said in my first years of life she can only recall me getting sick twice and she feels that is because I was breastfed-- Section 3.5 -
My First Words
My first words were milk and bye-bye. I loved breastmilk and that's all I ever wanted. As for my second word, I always wanted to go "bye-bye" as in go out somewhere fun. Section 4.6 -
Talking Toddler
My parents had concern when I was 16 months old about my speech language. They were afraid I wasn't speaking enough words then I should. According to our textbook this is normal, fast forward 3 1/2 months-- my vocabulary consisted of 60+ words. Section 5.4 -
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Weaning off Breastmilk
My mom had an extremely easy experience weaning me off breast milk. She explained that she had a goal as to when she wanted me to stop and she gave herself about a 3 month weaning period to gradually get me off and transition to the sippy cup. She gave herself that 3 month period because she knew it would be hard considering I was fully breast fed my whole first years of life. Section 5.2 -
Music Lover
When I was only months old my parents would play music for me throughout the day and my mom would sing my lullabies to soothe me to sleep (the same lullabies she would sing while I was still in her tummy). My parents always said music was the key to calming me down and putting me to sleep. But I always fell asleep faster when my mom sang to me versus my dad. Like our text book states it could simply be reflection of familiarity of sounds I've heard before I was born. Section 3.4 -
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Preschool Day
I attended pre-school when I was 3-years-old. Throughout my time in preschool my parents noticed an improvement in my listening comprehension. Preschool also made me a more independent toddler and a little girl who always wanted to interact and play with other kids. Section 6.5 -
1st Day of Kindergarten
On my first day of Kindergarten I insisted on taking my teddy bear to school with me because I was afraid she would be sad that I left her home all alone. My mom was able to persuade me she would take good care of Sally until I was finished with school. This is an example of animistic thinking. Section 6.4 -
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Growing up my family and our cultural custom when it comes to discipline is the psychical way (lickens). I do not believe lickens is damaging (when used the right way) I feel like it teaches kids to listen to their elders as well as respect them. Section 6.8 -
When I was 6-years old I learned about a few responsibilities. One of which was when we have family gatherings kids that are a bit older than the 1-2 year old's would have to play/keep the kids busy while the adults cook/prep. Cultural learning for me started with helping out with the kids, helping in the kitchen, etc. Section 6.4 -
My 1st Sport
When I was 8-years-old I started playing Volleyball. My parents wanted to prevent my siblings and I from having any health problems such as diabetes, being obese, etc. so they enrolled us in sports all year long. This increased our gross motor activity. Section 7.1 -
Period: to
Middle School Behavior
During my middle school years I experienced a lot of ups and downs. My grades were fluctuating and my behavior was not the best. I was all about friends and hanging out. Like our textbook states academic and peer pressure did in fact increase and I believe it was because I gained increase access to freedom and decision making. Section 8.8 -
My 1st Job
I got my first Job when I was a sophomore in High School. At first I wanted to make as much money as possible but as I started to work the hours I found myself falling back in school work. I eventually had to step back from working 15+ hours a week so I could focus on school more. With a job I learned about managing my money and time the correct way. Section 8.4 -
Christian Faith
When I graduated from High School I got baptized and found my faith in Christ. I started attending church and even became part of the Women's Ministry. Section 9.7 -
Leaving Home
I moved out of my parents house when I was 20-years-old. My mother and I constantly fought about what she felt I should do for my son and what is not the best thing. Moving out allowed both me and my mother time to ourselves and it also allowed our relationship to grow stronger. Moving out helped us both understand our reasoning's to the things we do and say to one another. Section 9.8 -
Going to Community College
I am currently enrolled at LCC-- my major is pre nursing and I plan on graduating in Spring 20' with my AA Degree and transferring to UH Manoa's Nursing Program. Section 9.5