Jacob Askren Pd 3

  • 100

    Imperial City

    Imperial City
    During this time Ceasar crosses the Rubicon in order to take Rome. Augustus is known to be emperor of Rome also. Also st peter arrives in Rome
  • Period: 100 to

    Rome History

  • 103

    The Pax Romona

    The Pax Romona
    This was a long time of peace during Rome time. The first roman empire was Augustus. He was the son of Julius Ceasar. But it wasn't really peace though.
  • 309

    Servian Wall

    Servian Wall
    Was a barrier around rome protecting it walls and people inside rome. It was destroyed during 309 BC. But soon after the destruction it was in the rebuilt construction process.
  • 509

    Rome becomes a Republic

    Rome becomes a Republic
    The Etrucans had been ruleing since 509 BC as what the historians say they had been. The Romans finally had revolted and threw away the last king which was a tryant. They had established a new governement which was called a Republic where the elected officials on into office and governed there state.
  • Jan 1, 616

    The Etruscans Control

    The Etruscans Control
    Rome had been under control byt he Etruscans starting around 616 BC. The Etruscans centuries had been founded to be great metalworkers and jewelers. These Etrusicans had been greatly influenced by the Greece territory.
  • Apr 21, 763

    Beginning Of Rome

    Beginning Of Rome
    Rome was founded in April 21 753 BC. Romulus and his twin brother had found Rome during this time on sites stuckled by she wolf infants.Romulus and Remus had actually been sons of Rhea Silvia.
  • Jan 1, 799


    During this time Charlemaqne conquers Italy and Rome. He was also known as Charles the Great. He had took the Frankish throne during 768 and become king of Italy