Jackson Pulli Timeline

  • Rage

    one time i remember feeling rage was when the other team in soccer began to purposely try and take me out of the game by hitting me and trying to cheap shot me
  • Joy

    a time i felt a lot of joy was back a while ago at life in color because it was my first concert
  • disappionted

    the last time i felt disappointed was when my friend didnt follow through with something they told me they would do
  • Happiness

    a memorable time i felt a lot of happiness was when i got my first car
  • Sadness

    the last time i felt sadness was when my grandparents moved into an estate
  • surprised

    one recent time i have been very surprised is when i won tickets to Orlando in a raffle
  • nervous

    the last time i felt nervous was when i asked my friend to prom
  • lonely

    the last time i felt lonely was when i would see Disney world snap chat stories and pics on Instagram with everyone at Disney when im at home