Period: to
Not conscious of it but I was giving a second chance at a great life
Transferred to Sauganash Elementary
It's hard moving school environments but its for the best and will have more experiences.
I like camp and working with kids in a mainly electronic free area
Got my Bunny Shadow
I have responsibility for an animal of my own
8th Grade Graduation
It's ok to be scared of what's a head but you have to move forward
Taught First Aid to class
Learned basic teaching and communication skills
Arrived in Italy and stayed for 2 weeks
Hit 205lbs on my squat
I learned that I can do anything and keep striving for high goals
Annual Military Inspection
I have an important place in Taft JROTC and that people will look up to me next year
My 17th Birthday
I accomplished so much at 16 how much will I accomplish at 17