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Jack Ingstad 2018-19 fishing timeline

  • First ice

    First ice
    Me and my friend JJ went fishing on thin ice. The ice was about 5 inches thick. We hammered the perch and came home with around 40 good sized perch. They tasted great!
  • First walleyes of the year

    First walleyes of the year
    Austin and I went to a small lake west of town to catch some walleyes. The would be the first of the year! We did okay, coming home with 3 nice eaters!
  • Crappie Time!

    Crappie Time!
    Mitchel, Austin, and I went crappie fishing. We had a long day but when night bite came around, they nailed us! We finished off the night with eleven crappies and three walleyes.
  • Big Cristmas Perch!

    Big Cristmas Perch!
    My Uncle Todd and I went perch fishing and smoked them. We caught over eighty but decided not to keep any. As night bite came around, i saw this huge fish swim under me. I set my hook and it ended up being a 14.5 inch perch. What a great Christmas gift.
  • Fish Mania

    Fish Mania
    My friends JJ, Mason, Seth, Spencer and I went to catch some nice eater walleyes. We traveled about 2 hours west and the ice had just gotten thick enough to drive out. We managed to nail the walleyes and also caught quite a few perch. We caught 18 walleyes and 8 perch. It was a great day.
  • Its walleye time

    Its walleye time
    My buddies and I found a awesome walleye lake. We caught multipe good sized walleyes. My friend JJ caught a 25in.
  • Fishing for Pigs

    Fishing for Pigs
    My buddies and I recently found a new walleye spot. This spot holds pigs! My buddy Seth caught his biggest. It was a 28" walleye!
  • Teaching my sister how to fish

    Teaching my sister how to fish
    I took my sister Reagan out to catch her first fish. We were going for perch. Right before we were going to switch lakes, she hooked up and caught her first fish. After this we switched lakes and she hooked up on a big walleye but nailed the bottom of the ice and fell off.
  • Big Fat Walleyes

    Big Fat Walleyes
    JJ and I went to a spot that I had found the day prior. I didn't catch a fish the day I found it but I had some really massive marks on my Vexilar. We went out there and didn't catch anything until we started packing up. JJ hooked up on a heavy one. When we pulled it through, it was a 25" that weighed 7lbs!
  • My Biggest Walleye of the Season

    My Biggest Walleye of the Season
    Mason, JJ, and I went back to the spot that JJ caught his big one. We had hopes of hooking up on a master angler. At about an hour before sunrise, I marked a big fish. It bit me, I set the hook, and I pulled him through. It was a 27" that weighed 7.5lbs! That was my biggest walleye of the season.