
Ivan the Terrible Timeline

By zzaden
  • Aug 25, 1530

    August 15, 1530 - - Ivan is born

  • Period: Aug 25, 1530 to Aug 31, 1530

    August 15, 1530 - Birth

  • Period: Aug 25, 1530 to


  • Dec 7, 1533

    December 7, 1533, Ivan comes to the thrown

  • May 1, 1538

    May 1, 1538 - Ivan's mother dies

  • Jan 16, 1547

    January 16, 1547 - Ivan is crowned the Czar

  • Jun 1, 1547

    June 1, 1547 - Ivans early reign (peaceful)

  • Oct 7, 1550

    October 7, 1550 - Ivan founded a standing army and established a council of nobels

  • Dec 31, 1550

    December 31, 1550 - Ivans wife dies. after this it was consodered the "bad period"

  • Dec 7, 1553

    December 7, 1553 - Established first printing press

  • Dec 7, 1581

    December 7, 1581 - during a violent quarrel Ivan killed his oldest son.

  • March 28, 1584 - Ivan dies