Ivan the terrible timeline

  • Period: 1438 to 1552

    Russo-Kazan wars

    Ivan the terrible captures Kazan winning the war
  • 1538

    Ivans mother Elena Glinskaya dies

    Ivans mother Elena Glinskaya dies
  • Period: 1549 to 1560

    Ivan tried to govern in a progressive manner by creating an informal government

  • Period: 1556 to 1552

    Astrakhan and Kazan were defeated by Ivans armies

  • 1560

    Ivan the terribles first wife dies

  • 1581

    Ivan Marries first wife Anastasia Romanovna

    Ivan Marries first wife Anastasia Romanovna
  • Nov 16, 1581

    Ivan the terrible killing his son

    Ivan the terrible killing his son
    Ivan the terrible killing his son