Ivan the Terrible Timeline

  • Aug 25, 1530

    Ivan's Birth

    Ivan's Birth
    Ivan was born in Kolomenskoe, Russia.
  • Dec 3, 1533

    Death of Father

    Death of Father
    The first of his parents to die, which gave the thrown to Ivan at just age 3. He was proclaimed the grand Prince of Moscow.
  • Apr 4, 1538

    Ivans Mother Dies

    Ivans Mother Dies
    The death of both Ivan's parents served to reanimate the struggles of various factions of nobles for control of the person of the young prince and for power. This began the downfall of Ivan. This was important because the loss of a regular childhood, caused him to growing into power and always desperately wanting it.
  • Sep 23, 1543

    Questoniable Early Life Decisions

    Questoniable Early Life Decisions
    At age 13Ivan was already a disturbed young men and an accomplished drinker> He threw dogs and cats from Kremlin walls to watch them suffer. He also, roamed the Moscow streets with a gang of young scoundrels, knocking down old people, and raping women. This led to his early development of violence, which made him feel good when he committed acts of violence
  • Mar 28, 1547

    Ivan's First Taste of Death

    Ivan's First Taste of Death
    At age 16 Ivan had completely taken the thrown, one of his orders was to kill his older brothers. At any age that seems disturbing but at such a young age, he had fell into the norm of death being a punishment that he could give freely. This affected his development by turning to execution in situations that aren't necessary.
  • Jan 22, 1558

    Livonian War

    Livonian War
    Ivan had tunnel vision on conquering new land to make his country bigger and more dominant. This war affected the economics of the country by causing a tax to pay for supplies and materials for the war. He had lost the first war before attacking with an army of 150,000 to conquer the land. The tax angered his citizens.
  • Aug 20, 1560

    Anastasia Death

    Anastasia Death
    When Ivan's wife Anastasia died, Ivan went into extreme paranoia. He believed that she had died due to poisoning by one of the boyars. Him and the boyars hadn't had a good past so this set him off. After her death he became so enraged and his true colors began to show.
  • Jun 15, 1564

    Absence of Ivan

    Absence of Ivan
    After his wife's death he left Moscow suddenly and threated to abdicate the throne. Leaderless, the citizens of Moscow pleaded that he would return. He agreed to return, but on the condition that he be granted absolute power of the region surrounding Moscow, knows as the oprichnina. He also demanded the authority to punish traitors and law breakers with execution and confiscation of property.
  • 1565

    Military Dominance

    Military Dominance
    Ivan created a centrally controlled Russian State, impose by military dominance. This action made him feel more powerful and led him to start more wars and make outrageous decisions
  • Nov 16, 1581

    Ivan's Daughter In Law Is Beat Up

    Ivan's Daughter In Law Is Beat Up
    Ivan and his daughter got in a fight which eventually led to Ivan causing his daughter to have a msicarriage. His unstable mental state sparked him to become randomly angree and cause a miscarriage
  • Nov 19, 1581

    Ivan's Son Dies

    Ivan's Son Dies
    After getting in a heated argument with his son he killed him by hitting him on head using a pointed staff. This was a clear sign of mental disorder and this encounter ifnluenced his development by creating guilt in himself due to the fact that he killed his son.
  • Ivan Dies

    Ivan Dies
    He died during a game of chess, cause of death was a stroke.