Ivan iv by anonim (18th c.  gim)

Ivan the Terrible Timeline

  • 1530


  • Dec 10, 1533

    Ivan's Father Vasili III died

    Ivan's Father Vasili III died
    Made Ivan one step closer to ruling Russia
  • 1547

    Married Anastasia Romanovna

    Married Anastasia Romanovna
    Sparked his "Good Period"
  • Jan 16, 1547

    Became Tsar

    Became Tsar
    When he was only 17 years old
  • 1558

    Ivan Wages war with Livonia

    Ivan Wages war with Livonia
    Ivan believed that he had to control the Baltic in order for trade with Europe to go well
  • 1560

    Anastasia Romanovna dies

    Anastasia Romanovna dies
    Ivan believed she was poisoned, which was the turning point in the way he ruled, and sparked his "Bad Period"
  • 1564

    Ivan Enacts Oprichnina

    Ivan Enacts Oprichnina
    In reaction to Ivan's field officer, Andrey Kurbsky leaving to poland
  • 1564

    Andrey Kurbsky leaves Ivans army

    Andrey Kurbsky leaves Ivans army
    Andrey Kurbsky was the commanding field officer, who left to go to poland
  • 1581

    Ivan Kills his Son

    Ivan Kills his Son
    Ivan had an overly aggressive dispute which resulted in the death of Ivan IV's oldest son and heir
  • Ivan dies

    Ivan dies
    Ivan died of a stroke in Moscow Russia