Ivan the Terrible

By emmacg1
  • Period: 1533 to


    This is the amount of time Ivan ruled Russia.
  • Dec 4, 1533

    Beginning of Rule

    Beginning of Rule
    Ivan Vasilyevich was proclaimed Grand Prince at age three.
  • Period: 1538 to 1547

    Death of Ivan's Mother and Unfortunate Period

    Ivan's mother ruled in his name until her death in 1538 by poison. 1538-1547 was a period of murderous strife among the clans of the warrior caste.
  • 1547

    First Wife

    First Wife
    The first and only wife he truly loved was Anastasia Romanovna. They married on this date.
  • Period: 1547 to 1560

    "Good Period"

    In this time referred to as his "good period," Ivan won great victories, added land to Russia, gave Russia a code of laws, and ruled justly.
  • Jan 16, 1547

    Tsar of Russia

    Tsar of Russia
    Ivan was crowned tsar (caesar or emperor). He was the first Russian ruler to use this title officially.
  • 1549

    Zemski Sobor

    Zemski Sobor
    The first Zemski Sobor was summoned to meet in an advisory capacity. It was a national assembly made of boyars, clergy, and some elected representatives of the new service gentry.
  • 1550

    Legal Code

    Legal Code
    A new legal code reorganized central administration of Russia into departments and improved conditions of military service.
  • 1552


    Ivan set out for Kazan and the Russian Army succeeded in taking the town by assault.
  • 1554

    Birth of First Child

    Ivan Ivanovich, Ivan's first child and heir to the thrown was born.
  • 1556

    Annex of Khanate

    The Khanate of Astrakhan was annexed without a fight.
  • 1558

    Beginning of War

    Ivan went to war in attempts to establish Russian rule over Livonia.
  • Period: 1560 to

    "Bad Period"

    Ivan's "bad period" began when his first wife (Anastasia Romanovna) died. He accused boyars of poisoning Anastasia and turned against them, creating his own police force (secret police).
  • 1581

    Death of Eldest Son

    Death of Eldest Son
    Ivan Ivanovich was Ivan's eldest and strongest son. In a fit of rage, Ivan hit his son on the head and killed him immediately from impact.