Aug 25, 1530
Birth of Ivan the Terrible
On August 25, 1530 Ivan the Terrible was born to his parents Basil III and Elena Glinskya who were the royal in Russia at the time -
Oct 1, 1533
Ivan's father dies
Basil the 3rd died in 1533. This left a huge impact in Ivan's life because he grew up with no father figure to raise him. He didn't have anyone to be a role model for him, this easily could have lead to his behaviors in the years to come -
Apr 3, 1538
Ivan's mother dies
Ivan's mother was killed when he was just 8 years old. This left him upset, he was left to be raised by the boyars who starved and beat the young Ivan -
Jan 16, 1547
Crowned Czar of Russia
Ivan the Terrible was crowned the first ever Czar of Russia. He gained power at the young age of 17 and his first act was to replace his cabinet of advisors with men of modest social standings. He also married his wife at this time. -
Aug 7, 1550
Ivan's wife died
when his first wife dies his sanity went to the trash. He became very paranoid about everything that has ever happened to him. He believed the boyars were the ones who killed her. He attempted to kill most of the boyars -
Jan 1, 1564
Self Exile of Absolute Power
In 1564 Ivan unexpectedly left his post in Moscow and moved to his hunting lodge northeast off Moscow. After being begged to comeback he did on the condition of absolute power and the right to punish whatever or whoever he wanted to as he saw fit. This is the time period when he got the nickname " Ivan the Terrible" -
Jan 5, 1564
terror over Russia
Ivan conducted a reign of terror over the country of Russia, often executing citizens for no reason. He had up to 2,000 kills in one day. Citizens in this time period lived afraid -
Ivan Dies
Ivan the Terrible was the killer of his own son. he killed hi son during a heated argument over his pregnant daughter in law. After this Ivan realized what he had done he was horrified. He later died of disease