Ivan the Terrible

  • 1533

    Ivans Parents Die

    Ivans Parents Die
    When Ivan was just 3 years old in 1533 his dad passed away. Just 5 years later when he was 8 so did his mom.
  • Mar 23, 1533

    Ivan Becomes Sick

    Ivan become sick with most likely pneumonia or encephalitis which also was believed to send him into a spiral of paranoia.
  • May 13, 1542

    Ivan Begins To Have Outbursts

    Ivan was believed to have many violent outbursts throughout his life. This started when he was a kid and he would kill or torture small animals this outbursts only worsened throughout his life. This lead people to believe he had some sort of mental illness.
  • Jan 16, 1547

    Ivan Marry's Anastasia Romanovna

    Ivan Marry's Anastasia Romanovna
    Ivan marrys his first wife Anastasia Romanovna in the same year that he is crowned Tzar.
  • Jan 17, 1547

    Ivan Become Deeply Paranoid

    Ivan became very worried about betrayal mainly from Boyars. This caused him to begin executing people and pass the Oprichnina. This was triggered by his first wife's death who he believed was murdered.
  • Apr 15, 1560

    Ivans First Wife Dies

    Ivans First Wife Dies
    In the year 1560 Anastasia Romanovna died. This sent Ivan into a deep depression and his paranoia worsened from fear that she had been murdered by Boyars.
  • Aug 21, 1561

    Ivan The Terrible Remarrys

    Ivan The Terrible Remarrys
    Ivan The Terrible remarrys after his first wifes death. This time to Maria Temryukovna.
  • Sep 6, 1569

    Ivans Second Wife Dies

    Maria Temryukovna died in Alexandrov Russia after being married to Ivan for 8 years.
  • Period: Jan 21, 1571 to Jan 23, 1580

    Ivan Remarrys 6 More Times

    After Maria Temryukovnas death Ivan continued to marry more ladys untill 1580 4 years before his death.
  • Nov 16, 1581

    Ivan The Terrible Kill His First Son

    Ivan The Terrible Kill His First Son
    Ivan The Terrible killed his own son on this night during one of his mental outbursts.