Ivan the Terrible

  • 1530


    Born in Kolomenskoye, Duchy of Muscovy, Russia
  • 1533

    Death of father

    Ivan's father, Basil III, dies
  • 1538

    Ivan's mother dies

  • 1547

    Ivan is crowned Tsar of Russia

  • 1547

    Marries Anastasiya Romanovna

  • 1549

    Ivan creates advising counsel

  • 1554

    First son born

  • 1557

    Second son born

  • 1560

    Death of first wife

  • Period: 1560 to

    Reign of Terror

  • 1565

    Oprichniki is created

  • 1581

    Ivan kills his son

    Only heir, Ivan, is murdered by father
  • Ivan the Terrible dies

    Moscow, Russia