Ivan the Terrible

  • 1533

    Death of Father

    Death of Father
    Ivan's father dies from blood poisoning. At just 3 years old, Ivan came into power. Because of his young age, his mother ruled for him.
  • 1538

    Death of Mother

    Death of Mother
    Ivan's mother dies suddenly and years of misrule ensued until Ivan crowned himself czar in 1547
  • 1546

    Marriage to Anastasia Romanov

    Marriage to Anastasia Romanov
    At 16 he crowned himself czar of Russia and married Anastasia Romanov
  • May 31, 1547

    Birth of 2nd Son

    Feodor is born and after the death of his brother, he became the heir to the throne.
  • Aug 10, 1548

    Birth of 1st Child

    Anastasia gives birth to Anna, Ivan's 1st daughter
  • 1551

    Birth of 2nd Daughter

    Maria is born but dies shortly after
  • Mar 28, 1554

    Birth of 1st Son

    Anastasia Romanov gives birth to Ivan's first son who will be the heir to the throne
  • 1560

    Anastasia Dies

    Anastasia Dies
    Ivan's wife dies and he accuses boyars of poisoning her, this starts his "Bad Period"
  • 1581

    Death of Eldest Son

    Death of Eldest Son
    Ivan had a violent quarrel with his eldest son who was supposed to the heir to the throne which resulted in the death of his son
  • 1581

    Beating of Daughter-In-Law

    Ivan beats his daughter-in-law for wearing immodest clothes. She was pregnant and the beating resulted in her miscarriage. This is what led to the violent quarrel between Ivan and his eldest son.