Ivan The Terrible

  • Aug 25, 1530


    Ivan the Terrible was born on August 25th 1530 in Moscow Russia
  • Dec 3, 1533

    Death of Vasili III Ivanovich

    Death of Vasili III Ivanovich
    When Ivan was 3 years old his father died
  • Dec 4, 1533

    Ivan becomes Prince

    The day of his fathers death Ivan is proclaimed grand Prince of Russia but his mother rules until he is of age
  • Apr 4, 1538

    Death of Elena Glinskaya

    Death of Elena Glinskaya
    5 years after his fathers death, Ivan's mother Elena passed away allegedly from poison
  • 1547

    Ivan becomes Czar

    Ivan declares himself the first Czar of Russia
  • 1547

    Marries Anastasiya Romanovna

    Marries Anastasiya Romanovna
    Shortly after becoming Czar Ivan marries his first wife
  • 1554

    Birth of Ivan Ivanovich

    Ivans first child was born in the year 1554
  • 1555

    Construction of St. Basil's Cathedral

    Construction of St. Basil's Cathedral
    Ivan had St. Basil's Cathedral built in Moscow's Red Square, construction lasted for 6 years ending in 1561
  • 1560

    Death of Anastasiya Romanovna

    After the death of his first wife Ivans rule went downhill beginning his Dark Period
  • Period: 1560 to

    Dark Period

    After the death of Ivan's first wife Ivan began a reign of terror, destroying the power of boyars and princes,harming his family and creating a secret police to kill those who disagreed with him.This period lasted from the death of Anastasiya until Iva's death
  • Nov 16, 1581

    Death of Ivan Ivanovich

    Death of Ivan Ivanovich
    Ivan Ivanovich was Ivan's eldest son and heir to the throne, one day in a fit of rage Ivan hit his son on the head with his scepter, killing him immediately
  • Death

    Ivan the Terrible died on March 28th 1584 from a stroke