Ioanniv reconstruction by gerasimov02

Ivan the Terrible

  • Dec 3, 1533

    Death of Father

    Death of Father
    When his father died in 1533, Ivan IV was named the Grand Prince of Moscow, at the age of 3 meaning Ivan IV would have power at a very young age. This shaped how his life would turn out as Ivan IV grew up with lots of power and no father.
  • 1538

    Mother's Death

    At the age of 8, Ivan IV lost his only remaining parent, leaving him to be raised by members of the nobility. Evidence has shown he lived through a childhood of abuse.
  • 1547

    First Marriage

    First Marriage
    This was the first of many marriages for Ivan IV. He married Anastasia Romanovna and the marriage lasted 13 years.
  • 1549

    Council of Advisors

    In 1549, Ivan the Terrible created a council of advisors to enforce his reforms. This supported the idea that Ivan the Terrible was an absolute monarch
  • 1552

    Defeats Tartar khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan

    In 1552 and 1556 Ivan's army destroyed the Tartar khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan.
  • 1555

    St. Basil's Cathedral

    St. Basil's Cathedral
    After conquering the Tartar city of Kazan, Ivan IV authorized the building of St. Basil's Cathedral, which was completed in 1561. It is one of the most beautiful landmarks in the world today.
  • 1556

    Initiated Regulations on Boyar Class

    Ivan the Terrible instituted rules for the jobs of the boyar class in service of the crown.
  • Aug 7, 1560

    Death of his Wife

    Death of his Wife
    After the death of his first wife, Ivan the Terrible fell into a deep depression, starting his "Reign of Terror" after he thought that his wife was poisoned by the boyars. He threatened to leave his thrown and he was begged to come back. This is when he was granted the right to be above the law.
  • 1580

    Death of 7th Wife

    In 1580, Ivan the Terrible had lost his 7th wife, which took a heavy toll on him. He would marry once more, but died 3 years later.
  • Nov 19, 1581

    Murdering his own son

    Murdering his own son
    Ivan the Terrible was known to have violent rages, but the deadliest one came when he accidentally murdered his son after an argument between them.