Jan 18, 1519
spanish conquistadors come to mexico
Spanish sent conquistadors to go and get gold from the new world from them. This was important because it started the colonizing for the future. -
Jan 18, 1521
Martin Luther reformation to protestantism.
Martin Luther questioned the practice of Catholics. Since he disagreed he formed the Protestant Sect of Christianity. -
Sep 3, 1530
Date of birth.
Ivan the terrible was born on September 3, 1530. He was born in Moscow Russia. His real name is Ivan IV Vasilyevich. -
Dec 18, 1533
Ivan gets crowned first czar.
Ivan was only 3 years old when he was crowned czar. There is no exact date on when he was crowned. WE do know it was 1533 when he was crowned. This was also the year his dad died to pass the crown down. -
Jan 10, 1538
Mother dies
Ivans mother dies. Huge impact of his life because now he has no parents. this is big because now he has no one to be comforted by or lean on. -
Apr 3, 1538
Ivans Father dies.
Basil died in 1533 this was huge impact on ivans life because now he didn't have anyone to look up to as a father figure. this could be one of the reasons for the way he acted in the future. -
Jan 18, 1543
Japanese civil war of the 1500's
In 1543 a Portuguese shipwreck washed in muskets to japan. All the wealthy warlords got the upper hand because they could utilize muskets. This modernized Japanese warfare. -
Jan 16, 1547
proclaimed czar
Ivan proclaims the czar of Russia. he is now the czar and can start to make changes to the country. -
Period: Jan 16, 1547 to
ivans rule as czar.
This was the time span of when Ivan earned the name Ivan The Terrible. During this rule he did terrible thing to his motherland. But he also did some great things to increase his popularity. -
Jan 1, 1550
Ming Dynasty in China
China ruled much of the east. Also will rule for the next 200 years. this kingdom is doing very well. -
Jan 10, 1565
Arranged the Oprichniki
This was when 1,000 to 6,000 men were conducted to create violence throughout the country. this shows how terrible Ivan really was. this is one thing most people remember him by -
Jan 1, 1568
eighty years war
War between the Netherlands and spain. The Netherlands were battling for their independence . But they didn't gain their independence until much later. -
Jan 10, 1570
A large killing took place due to the opritchiniki
Tons of innocent people were killed because of the opritchiniki. This was one of the worst things Ivan has ever done. -
Galileo Solves Dantes Inferno contreversy.
Mathmatic wizard during his time. H e figured out that dantes inferno was 2,000 arm lengths. Left his mark as most brilliant man. -
Ivan Kills his son.
Ivan and his son were in an argument when Ivan took it to far. The argument was about hos is daughter in law was pregnant. Ivan was so angry he killed his son by accident. He later fell ill and died because the killing of his son. -
Ivan dies.
Ivan the Terrible died because he felt ill after he kils his son. He died very shortly after because he couldn't belive it which caused him to die from an illness. This is the end of one of the cruelest person the world has seen.