Ivan the terrible

Ivan the Terrible

By shaw101
  • Aug 25, 1530

    Ivan was born

    Ivan was born
    Ivan the terrible was born in Kolomenskoye, near Moscow Russia by his mom, Elena Glinskaya, and dad Vasili the 3rd of Russia. He was the grandson of Ivan the Great.
  • Jun 6, 1533

    Death of Ivan's dad

    Death of Ivan's dad
    Ivan's dad, Basil the 3rd, died when Ivan was just 3 years old in 1533. He announced Ivan as the Grandprince of Russia before he died.
  • 1538

    Ivan's mom died

    Ivan's mom died
    Ivan's mom ruled until her death when Ivan was just 8 in 1538. She might have died to poisoning while she was ruling, she was the last parent that Ivan had left.
  • 1547

    Married Anastasia

    Married Anastasia
    Ivan marries his first wife (Anastasia) who he picked out of all the potential brides brought to him. Anastasia is arguably the only wife that Ivan loved, she helped balance out his anger and sudden rage fits.
  • 1554

    Ivan's son was born

    Ivan's son was born
    Ivan had a son with Anastasia who was named tsarevich ivan and would grow up to be the heir to Ivan's throne. Ivan was the 4th child of Anastasia and the 2nd son of Anastasia.
  • 1560

    Anastasia dies

    Anastasia dies
    Ivan's first wife died due to a strange illness which could have been poisoning, Ivan accused the Boyars of poisoning his wife, and executed and/or tortured many of them without a fair trail. Anastasia could be said to be Ivan's first and only true love.
  • 1561

    Ivan Marries Maria Temryukovna

    Ivan Marries Maria Temryukovna
    Ivan marries his second wife Maria Temryukovna who was the daughter of a muslim prince. She was illiterate and a poor character, however she was still picked because of her beauty.
  • 1565

    Ivan Created the Oprichnina

    Ivan Created the Oprichnina
    Ivan was paranoid about not being safe around his boyars, and not being safe around traitors, so he created the Oprichnina to be allowed to do what he wanted in order to be safe, and continue to rule with all the power.
  • 1569

    Maria Dies

    Maria Dies
    Ivan's second wife Maria dies by poisoning because she could not adapt to the new environment, and was a good fit for being the Queen and mom of Ivan's family. However, it is unclear whether Ivan killed her himself or if someone else poisoned her because he executed many nobles in blame of poisoning her.
  • 1572

    Ivan marries Anna Koltovskaya

    Ivan marries Anna Koltovskaya
    Ivan illegally marries his 4th wife without the church's blessing, because he claimed that he never actually consummated his 3rd wife. Therefor he could marry again, so he did with Anna Koltovskaya.
  • 1574

    Anna is sent away

    Anna is sent away
    Ivan was unable to have a baby with Anna so he sent her to a convent to live for the remainder of her live, she outlived him in the convent.
  • 1581

    Death of Ivan's son

    Death of Ivan's son
    Ivan murders his own son after a sudden fit of anger came over him when he was fighting his son. Ivan had beaten his son's wife which led to a miscarriage, this cause Ivan's son to retaliate leading to a fight in which Ivan kills him in.
  • Ivan dies

    Ivan dies
    Ivan became very frantic and worry some about his health, so he tried to use magic and medicine to keep him alive. However, that failed to work and he died on March 3rd, 1584 by a stroke.