Ivan the terrible (cropped)

Ivan Biography

  • Period: 1533 to

    Timeline created by Hunter Sandahl

    In History
  • Dec 3, 1533

    Ivan's father dies

    Ivan's father dies
  • Apr 3, 1538

    Ivan's mother dies

  • 1550

    Ivan created the sudebnik

    Ivan created the sudebnik
  • Mar 17, 1551

    Ivan's first daughter Tsarevna Maria Ivanovna

    Ivan's first daughter Tsarevna Maria Ivanovna
  • Mar 28, 1554

    Ivan has his first son, Tsarevich

    Ivan has his first son, Tsarevich
  • Feb 26, 1556

    Ivan's second daughter is born

    Ivan's second daughter is born
  • May 31, 1557

    Ivan's son Feodor is born

  • 1560

    Ivan embarks on a regime of political terror

  • Nov 16, 1581

    Ivan kills his son

  • Ivan's son Dmitry is born