206 BCE
Sailor's Magnetic Compass (Scientific Discoveries)
When sailors are out at sea, such as Ferdinand Magellan, they will lose track of direction. When the Magnetic Compass was invented, it pointed to the North because it had the strongest magnetic pull on Earth. When someone is out at sea, they will never get lost because they will also know where North is. https://www.smore.com/xa5z2 -
Apr 4, 1364
Firearms (Inventions)
In the Renaissance, most people, if they even owned a gun, they would own a flintlock pistol. When you are reloading a flintlock pistol, it has a barrel that will have to have gunpowder packed down the barrel, and have a lead ball put on top of the gunpowder. Then, you would pull back the hammer, and pull the trigger to shoot the bullet.
https://www.smore.com/n28ej -
Mar 2, 1386
Donatello (Artist)
Donatello was born around 1386 and was the most well-known artist from Florence. Between 1411 and 1413, Donatello made a famous marble statue named St. Mark. Just two years later in 1415 Donatello finished another marble statue named St. John the Evangelist.
https://www.biography.com/people/donatello-21032601 -
Jan 1, 1449
The Medici Family (Patron of the Arts)
The Medici family was a well-known family that was located in Florence. They were a very wealthy family and they got their wealth from being merchants and bankers. They also were married to other royal families to stay royals. Italian Renaissance Powerpoint -
Apr 15, 1452
Leonardo da Vinci (Artist)
Leonardo da Vinci was an architect and also an artist. Da Vinci dissected a human body to see how it actually functioned. Da Vinci also created one of the world's most famous pictures, the Mona Lisa.
https://www.biography.com/people/leonardo-da-vinci-40396 -
Mar 6, 1475
Michaelangelo (Artist)
On this day Michaelangelo was born. Michaelangelo was well known for making art such as the Statue of David and painting the Sistine Chapel. He was also the artist behind The Creation of Man.
https://www.britannica.com/biography/Michelangelo -
Jan 24, 1479
Festivals (Daily Life)
In Italy, the wealthy used the festivals to show off their wealth to other wealthy people. Nearly every event was open to every strata from the Pope to beggars. This gave everyone a chance to meet others and just have fun once in a while.
https://www.lifeinitaly.com/history/italy-renaissance -
Apr 6, 1483
Raphael (Artist)
On April 6th, 1483, the artist Raphael was born. Raphael was known for making the art pieces: The Series of Madonnas and the Room of the Signatura. These are very famous pieces to this day and can be seen in Italy.
https://www.biography.com/people/raphael-41051 -
Feb 10, 1503
Mona Lisa (Art)
The Mona Lisa was made with oil paints and is easily one of the worlds most well-known piece of Renaissance arts. It was made in Italy by Leonardo da Vinci and was stabilized in 1951. In this painting, you can tell how it has aged through the years because it has a small visible crack in the top right corner.
https://www.britannica.com/topic/Mona-Lisa-painting -
Jan 1, 1512
Pope Julius II (Patron of the Arts)
Julius II was the Pope at the time in Europe who paid Michaelangelo to paint his famous piece, The Genesis Franco in the Sistine Chapel. Michaelangelo painted this piece of art on the ceiling. It took Michaelangelo up to 4 years with the help of others to finish this painting.
http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/history-of-art/pope-julius.htm -
Martin Luther's 95 Theses (Literary Works)
During the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther disagreed with what the church was doing with indulgences, so he wrote down his theses and nailed them to a church so everyone can see them. Little did he know, they were going to be published and released to everyone. He wrote these theses in Wittenberg, Germany. Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation Powerpoint -
Jun 15, 1521
Pope Leo X's Papal Bull (Literary Works)
While the Catholic Church was trying to get Luther to recant, or take back, what he wrote about the church, Pope Leo X was busy writing his new bull about Luther. It stated that if anyone sees anything written by Luther shall be burned either publically or privately, but it must be destroyed. After Luther learned about this, he burned a copy of the Papal Bull. Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation Notes -
Jun 15, 1521
Martin Luther is excommunicated (Martin Luther & Reformation)
When the church discovered that a monk named Martin Luther was writing things about the church that they are doing wrong, they shunned him heavily. It was so bad that the Pope wrote a new bull saying to burn all of his literary works. During the bull, it also said that Luther was excommunicated and will only be accepted back if he recants his work. Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation Notes -
Jun 20, 1521
Martin Luther burns Pope Leo X's Papal Bull (Martin Luther & Reformation)
After Luther finds out that Pope Leo wrote a papal bull that said to burn all of his works and turn Luther into the church, Luther got his revenge by burning a copy of the Papal Bull. He read a line from the bull, and then looked at the group around him, and threw it into the fire. Martin Luther & Protestant Reformation Powerpoint and Luther movie. -
The War of Peasants (Martin Luther & Protestant Reformation)
Somewhere in 1524-1525, Martin Luther's appearance to the church sparked an uprising against the church, and the main participants: enraged peasants. Around 100,000 peasants were killed during this date. Martin Luther blamed himself for everything, and agreed to appear in front of the pope. Martin Luther Movie Sheet -
Luther writes the Bible in German (Literary Works)
Before Luther rewrote the Bible in German, it was written in only Latin, so that only people from the church could read it. Luther thought that everyone should know all about the Bible, and wrote a copy while he was excommunicated and gave it to one of his monk friends. Martin Luther & The Protestant Reformation Notes -
Jan 1, 1541
Italian Cuisine (Culture)
Italy expresses their culture through a different variety of foods. They do this to express creativity and how they have changed their cuisine. One old renaissance meal was Herb Tart. The ingredients they used were:
Parsley, Marjoram, Mint, Rue, a Raw Egg, fresh cheese, raisins, saffron, ginger, dough, butter, sugar, and whole pine nuts.
http://www.academiabarilla.com/the-italian-food-academy/centuries-dining/food-renaissance.aspx -
Apr 1, 1543
Heliocentric Solar System (Inventions)
The Heliocentric Solar System means that the Sun is at the center of the galaxy, and everything in the galaxy gravitates around it. This was discovered by Nicolaus Copernicus. Before the Heliocentric Solar System, there was the Geocentric Solar System meaning that the Earth is at the center, and everything gravitates around it.
https://www.smore.com/ra4zs-heliocentric-solar-system -
Jul 7, 1543
How People Make Friends (Daily Life)
In Italy, most people don't stay inside. They will go out and meet new people, and it's been this way for centuries. Back during the Renaissance, people would go to the Colosseum or go to the city's piazzas.
https://www.britannica.com/place/Italy/Daily-life-and-social-customs -
May 5, 1555
Violin (Inventions)
In 1555, Andrea Amati invented his very first violin in his hometown in Cremona, Italy. When Amati was making the violin, it was way smaller than the modern day version. Amati also used smaller strings, but they were used in the same way.
https://www.smore.com/s9byh-violin -
Astronomy (Scientific Discoveries)
Astronomy has always been a major part of history. It has many different famous people such as Galileo and Copernicus. Galileo discovered that Saturn has rings around it. Copernicus discovered that the Sun is at the center of the Milky Way. Galileo joined in with Copernicus and found evidence that supported Copernicus. http://www.ducksters.com/history/renaissance_science.php -
Proper Way to Die (Church Pre-Reformation)
The Church believed that if you died from either disease or natural causes, you have less of a chance to go to hell. But if you committed suicide, they believed that you shall be damned to hell and have no chance of getting to heaven. Reformation Summary & Comparison Powerpoint -
Indulgences (Church Pre-Reformation)
Before Martin Luther changed how the Church looked at indulgences, they were used to have a pass to go straight to heaven. When you bought this, it meant you got to skip purgatory and never be able to go to hell. You could also use this to get a passed family member through purgatory faster. Reformation Summary & Comparison Powerpoint -
Galilieo (Scientific Discoveries)
Galileo was a major Astronomist who improved the telescope. When he improved the telescope, he came up with some support for the idea of the Heliocentric Solar System. He realized that the Sun is at the center, but nobody believed him until he was a few years later. https://www.livescience.com/55230-renaissance.html -
Language of the Church (Church Pre-Reformation)
The Church said the official language is Latin, and everything regarding the bible shall be written in Latin. Since nobody outside of the Church new Latin, it made it hard for people to read the bible so they can comprehend it in their own way. Reformation Summary & Comparison Powerpoint