1939 BCE
Mussolini occupied Albania and Somalia
1938 BCE
Munich agreement.
On 29th September 1938 Germany, Italy, Great Britain, and France reached the Munich Agreement, where Germany annexed the Sudetes. -
1936 BCE
Mussolini conquered Abbysinia
1936 BCE
Hitler retake regions.
Hitler want to retake some German regions like Saarland in 1935 or Rhineland in 1936. -
1934 BCE
Hitler arrest Rohm
On the 30th June 1934, Hitler ordered to arrest Röhm and others. Several hundred people were killed. This was called the Night of the Long Knives. Röhm was shot the next day. -
1934 BCE
Hitler became president.
After Hiddenburg die, Hitler became Chancellor, President and Commander-in chief of the army. He was called Der Führer (the leader). Democracy was dead. -
1933 BCE
Hitler call another elections
In January 1933 Hitler decided to call for another election (March 1933) hoping to make the Nazis stronger in the Reichstag. A fire broke in the Reichstag and Hitler blamed the comunists, so communists were arrested and after that the communist party was illegal. -
1932 BCE
Hitler becomes Chancellor
After the last elections in November of 1932, president Hiddenburg offered Hitler the post of Chancellor -
1929 BCE
The Lateran Treaty
Mussolini signed it with the Pope Pius XI: Italy acknowledged the independence of the Vatican as a sovereign state. -
1924 BCE
Mussolini became Prime Minister.
In 1924, King Victor Emmanuel III changed the election system and the fascists got the power. Mussolini began to change Italy into a dictatorship where people has to do as they were told. -
1923 BCE
Nazis try to take over Munich
They were defeated and Hitler went to the prison for nine months -
1922 BCE
Mussolini ascension
In the first elections he didn't get many votes, but in october 1922 Mussolini marched on Rome with his 30,000 Blackshirts in order to seize the power. King Victor Emmanuel III was terrified so Mussolini was asked to become Prime Minister. -
1919 BCE
Communist try to take over Berlin
They were defeated