Oct 12, 1492
Columbus "discovered" the Americas
Columbus and his crew placed a Spanish flag on what they believed was the East Indies when really it was an island part of the West Indies. -
Martin Luther Posts his 95 Thesis
Martin Luther questioned practices of the Roman Catholic Church and nailed his 95 Thesis to the church door in Wittenberg Germany. -
The Pilgrims Land in the New World
A group of Separatists who escaped to Holland and then to the New World. -
King James I Becomes King of England
King James I believed in Divine Rights of Kings and attempted to rule England without Parliament -
First Attempt to Settle Roanoke Island
Sir Walter Raleigh attempted to settle a colony off the coast of North Carolina in the Atlantic Ocean -
Spanish Armada is Defeated
Phillip struck back. He sent the Spanish Armada to crush the English. During the battle, a violent storm scattered the Armada. Some of the Sea Dogs fled up the Irish Coast and got wrecked. -
Jamestown the Colony is Founded
America's first permanent settlement in Virginia. -
King James Version Bible is published
John Wycliffe translated the bible -
Charles I is executed
He is the son of James I and also believes in Divine Right of Kings. He dismissed parliament and was later overthrown by Oliver Cromwell.