Balfour Declaration
The British Declaration promised to create a Jewish Homeland in the region compromising the land of Israel. Arthur James Balfour the British Secretary wrote to Lord Rothschild on how he believed that the Jewish homeland should be in Palestine. This compromise led to the league of nations to begin trusting the UK. -
Balfour Declaration uprising
After Britain was given Palestine, and it being the holy land. Many Jews listened to the Balfour Declaration and moved to Palestine. This caused a new conflict with Jews threatening their way of life there. -
1948 War
Also known as the Frist Arab-Israeli War which was fought between the State of Israel and a military coalition of Arab States and Palestinian Arab forces. This took place on the Sinai Peninsula, Mandatory Palestine, and southern Lebanon. -
Ending of 1948 War
The result of the 1948 war was a Israeli victory and Palestinian Arab defeat. Israeli kept area belonging to it by Partition Plan and captured 50% of area belonging to Arab state. The after math ended in over 900,000 Jews forced to flee the ARab countries, with about two-thirds of them being absorbed by Israel. There were Armistice boundaries established and remained until 1967. -
Suez War
Israeli armed forces pushed into Egypt toward the Suez Canal after the President Gamal Abdel Nasser nationalized the canal in July. This is what created the Suez War. In the end the British, French, and Israeli governments withdrew their troops in early 1957. -
Six Day War
Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq moved their armies to Israel's borders and closed the international water way, the Straits of Tiran, to all Israeli shipping, and act of war according the the international law. -
Six Day War results
The result of the six day war was a Israeli victory. Israel captures the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt also claiming West Bank from Jordan and the the Golan Heights from Syria. -
Yom Kippur War
Egyptian and Syria forces launched a coordinated attack against Israel on Yom Kipppur. Egyptian troops swept the Sinai Peninsula. Israel counterattacked and recaptured Golan Heights. -
Yom Kippur War
Cease fire went into effect on this day. -
Assasination of Kamal Jumblatt
The leader of the Lebanon's Druze community was assasinated by the Syrian Social Nationalist Party -
Camp David Accords
Peace agreement between Egypt and Israel after three decades was beginning to be negotiated. Jimmy Carter was President at the time and was there to help negotiate the agreement. Menachen Begin of Israel and Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt signed agreements in Camp David. The American-sponsored talks paved the way to help the treaty be gined in 1979. -
1982 Lebanon War
Known as "the invasion" called Operation Peace for Galilee by Israel and later known as the Lebanon War and First Lebanon War. Starting because the government of Israel Defense Forces invaded Southern Lebanon. Israeli's lost this and Syrian's won this War. -
First Intifada
Palestinian uprising against Israel occupations of the Palestinian Territories. Suicide attacks against civilians in Israel began at this time. The Israeli army was trained to fight regular armies and was not well prepared to respond to the attacks. -
Assassinations of Abortion providers
David Gunn, John Britton(1994), Barnett Slepian(1998), Thomas C. Wales(2001), Chauncey Bailey, and George Tiller were all people who helped with abortion and were all killed. -
Oslo Accords
The Oslo Accords were a set if agreements that began in 1993 when Israel and the PLO signed a Declaration of Principles. They led to the creation of the Palestinian Authority which had responsibility for the territory that was under control. The Oslo Accords were intended to be an interim agreement that would lead to a permanent settlement with Israel giving up landin return for peace and security. Both Israelis and Palestinians accuse the other of not fulfilling their obligations. -
Israel Begins Constructing a Security Barrier
Israel decided to build a security barrier that would seperate its citizens from terrorist groups in the West Bank. -
Arab Peace Initiative is Proposed
During the Beirut Summit of the Arab League, prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia proposed a peace initiative that was endored by all members of the Arab League. -
Hamas is elected
Palestinians elected a majority of Hamas members to the Palestinian Authority's legislatur over the PLO's Fatah party that had the power before. -
The Gaza War
Israel attacked Hamas targets in Gaza in order to stop rocket attacks on southern Israel and to disrupt terrorist infradstructure and weapons being smuggled. -
President Leaves
The Tunisian president left the country and the Egyptian President Resigned on February 11. The peace process is still not clear. -
The Arab Spring
Beginning in Tunisia citizens in Arab states began to protest against autocratic and oppresive governments. These protests spread for Tunisia across the entire Arab world. -
Ambassador in Libya missing
J. Christopher Stevens goes missing after a four hour firefight for control in Libya late in the night. -
Obama Vows Justice
In Libya president Obama wants to give assailants justice and ordered to have tighter security at all American diplomatic installations because of the fight that broke out and the ambassador went missing. -
I think that the conflicts between the two places are always going to be happening. They are going to disagree constantly because they have different beliefs in what they think is right and wrong. I think in the future they should try to be civil about it instead of just using acts of terrorism against eachother. Some of the events were very civil and they figured certain things out and that is what needs to happen in the future.