Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


    Theodore Herzl, founder of Zionism tried to find a political solution for the problem in his book calles "The Jewish State". He advocated the creation of a Jewish state in Argentina or Palestine.
  • The Balfour Declaration

    When World War I ended Turkish Ottoman empire ruled Palestine. Then on November 2, 1917, Arthur Balfour convinced Britain to work towards "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people", leading Zionist Lord Rothschild.
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    UN Partition Plan

    Britain who ruled Palestine since 1920 handed responnsibility to the UN for solving the Zionist-Arab problem in 1947. the UN decided to split the territory into Jewish and Palestinian states. 56.47% of Palestine to the Jewish state, 43.53% to the Arab state.
  • UN Partition Plan

    after splitting the states on November 29, 1947, 33 countries of the UN General Assembly voted for partition, 13 voted against and 10 anstained. this led the creation of Israel.
  • Establishment of Israel..

    the first Jewish state for nearly 2,000 years (Israel) was proclaimed on May 15, 1948 in Tel Aviv the day after the British troops withdrew.the day after after the proclamation Israel was invaded by 5 Arab armies: Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq but Israel fought back and were repulsed.
  • Formation of the PLO

    on May 28, 1964, Palestinians created a independant organization after Yasser Arafat took over the chairmanship (PLO) in 1969
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    The Six-Day War.

    on June 5, 1967, Egypt blocked Israeli shipping lanes in the red sea, expelled UN peacekeeping troops from the border of the sinai and built up its own troops in the area. Syria built up toops on the Golan Heights. Israel attacked against Egypt, then Syria and Jordan joined the fight. the war only lasted six days. Israel captured the Sinai and the Garza strip from Egypt, Folan Heights from Syria and the West Bank From Jordan including East Jerusalem.
  • The Yom Kippur War, 1973

    on the holiest day of Jewishyear, Egypt, Syria, Iraq and Jordan attacked Israel. after Arab military successes, Israelis managed to push back the attack outnumbered, later then U.S. convinced them to withdraw from the terretories Israel had taken over. The Israel would have been overrun if it wasnt for the buffer zones of the West Bank and Golan's.
  • Arafat at the United Nations

    while PLO sturggled to free all from Palestine Arafat made an apperance dramatically statting that he had a peaceful sloution..
    He disapproved the Zionist project but stated that the speech was a Palestinians' search fro rcognition of their cause. he also said "Today i have come bearing an olive branch and a freedom fighter's gun. Do not let the olive branch fall from my hand."
  • The Camp David Accords, 1979

    on 1979 Israel and Egypt signed the Camp David accords that concluded a peace treaty. after that Israel returned the Sinai desert to Egypt. Later then the president became the first Arab leader to visit the Jewish state and form a new relation with two contries adressing Israeli the Knesset. later in 1981 Sadat (president of Egypt) was assassinated by Islamist elements, to mark the anniversary of the October war.
  • Palestinian Intifada

    a mass uprising(intifada) against the Israeli occupation Began in Garza and quickly spread to the West Bank.
  • The Suez Campaign 1956

    in 1956, Franceand Britian went to war against Egypt because Egypt closed the Suez Canal to Israel and Western Europe.
    during the war Israel won over the Sinai desert, but withdrew it later on in responce to U.S pressure and gave the territory to Egypt.