In 1896 (specific date unknown) following the appearance of anti-Semitism in Europe, Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, tried to find a political solution for the problem in his book, 'The Jewish State'. He advocated the creation of a Jewish state in Argentina or Palestine. -
The British Foreign Minister Arthur Balfour committed Britain to work towards “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people,” in a letter to leading Zionist Lord Rothschild. -
Britain Occupied Israel
The British Government occupied Irael at the end of WWI. -
UN Assigned Britain Mandatory Power to Govern Israel
The document that gives the British government to run Israel was drafted on this day. -
Britain Handed Over Palestine To UN
After Britain was unable to settle the Zionist-Arab problem in Palestine, they handed the responsibility back to the United Nations. -
Partition of Palestine
After 33 countries of the UN General Assembly voted for the partiontion of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states, Israel was created. -
Israel's Independence
On this day, Israel became its own indepedendent state. It became the first Jewish state for nearly 2,000 years. -
Formation of PLO
Palestinians created a genuinely independent organization on May 28, 1964. -
The Six Day War
The war was against Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Israel believed that it was only a matter of time before the three Arab states co-ordinated a massive attack on Israel. -
Yasser Arafart as PLO Chairman
Yasser Arafat became the Chairma of the PLO. He had armed operations against Irael. -
The Munich Olympics Hostage Crisis
On this day, membrs of the Israeli Olympic team were held hostage and were killed by Paalestinian group called "Black" -
The Yom Kippur War
Israel was attacked by Egypt, Syria, and Iraq on the Holiest day of the Jewish year, during Yom Kippur. The Israelis were able to push back the attack even though they were outnumbered. -
Egypt- Israel Peace Treaty
Following the Camp David Accords in 1978, this peace treaty was signed in Washington DC on this day. -
First Palestinian Intifada
The intifada erupted on 9 December 1987, this was triggered by an incident in Gaza.The uprising was the product of an accumulation of Palestinian tensions and grievances7. -
Proclamation Of Independent Palestinian State
On November 15, 1988, at the nineteenth meeting of the Palestine National Council, considered by the PLO to be its parliament in exile, the PNC proclaimed the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. -
Israel-PLO Oslo Accords
On September 9, Norwegian foreign minister Johan Joergan Holst carried a letter from Arafat to Rabin recognizing Israel. Rabin signed a letter recognizing the PLO as the representative of the Palestinian people and accepting the PLO as a negotiating partner. On Monday, September 13, 1993, the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government for the Palestinians was signed by Foreign Minister Peres and Abbas. -
Israel-Jordan Treaty of Peace
"An international boundary will be delimited within 9 months. Each party will refrain from threats or use of force against the other and from joining alliances hostile to the other and will remove restrictions from normal economic relations and terminate economic boycotts. Problems of displaced persons (from 1967) will be resolved with Egypt and the Palestinians and of refugees (from 1948) in the multilateral framework." - Treaty of Peace -
Assasination of Rabin
On this day, Rabin was assasinated by a Jewish religion extremist, shocking the whole world. -
Withdrawal of Israeli Troops
The last Israeli troops pulled out of Lebanon under sporadic Hizbullah fire. -
al-Aqsa Intifada
As the Likud leader, Binyamin Netanyahu toured the al-Aqsa in Jerusalem on 28 of September. Palestinian demonstrations followed, which quickly developed into what became known as the al-Aqsa intifada, or uprising. -
Road Map to Peace
Proposed by the United States, the European Union, Russia, and the United Nations, the road map for peace is a plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. -
Arafat Dies
On the 11th of November, 2004, Yasser Arafat died at age 75 in a military hospital in France. He was considered the champion of Palestinia Statehood. -
New President
Hamas became the new president, elected during the Palestinian legistlative lections.