Founded by Theodor Herzl, Zionism's goal is to establish a legally assured home for the jewish people in the land os Israel, creating this oranization. -
McMahon-Hussein Correspondence
Hussein was the ruler of the Muslim holy city of Mecca. It was an exchange of letters during World War I, between the Sharif of Mecca, Husayn bin Ali, and Sir Henry McMahon, British High Commissioner in Egypt, concerning the political status of lands under the Ottoman Empire. -
Balfour Declaration
The British Balfour Declaration promised to create a Jewish Homeland in the region comprising the ancient Land of Israel. -
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British Mandate for Palestine
The League of Nations divided Ottoman land between the British and the French after World War II. -
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The Holocaust and World War II
Nazi Germany attacked and conquered most of Europe. Before and durign war, Nazis persecuted Jews, eventually carrying out a genocide known as the Holocaust. -
UN Partition Plan
The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal developed by the United Nations, which recommended a partition with Economic Union of Mandatory Palestine to follow the termination of the British Mandate. -
1948 War
Arab armies attacked the new state of Israel, one day after they proclaimed their independence as a new state. -
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1948 War
Arab armies attacked the new state of Israel, one day after they proclaimed their independence as a new state. -
establishment of the PLO
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)was formed with the aim of destroying Israel and creating a Palestinian state in its place. -
Settlement Construction Begins
The Israeli government approved the building of settlements, which refers to israeli communities built on land that was captured in the 1967, in the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, and West Bank. -
Six-Day War/1967 Arab-Israeli
War that was fought between June 5 and 10, 1967 by Israel and the neighboring states of Egypt (known at the time as the United Arab Republic), Jordan, and Syria. -
Khartoum Resolution/ Attrition Battles/ The War of Attrition
The War of Attrition was a fight between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, PLO and their allies from 1967 to 1970. After the Six-Day War. -
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Khartoum Resolution/ Attrition Battles/ The war of Attrition
The War of Attrition was a fight between Israel and Egypt, Jordan, PLO and their allies from 1967 to 1970. After the Six-Day War. -
October War/ Yom Kippur War/ 1973 Arab-Israeli War
was a war fought by the coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria against Israel from October 6 to 25, 1973. The military combat actions during the war mostly took place in the Sinai and the Golan Heights, territories that were occupied by Israel since the Six-Day War of 1967 -
Camp David Accords
Menachem Begin of Israel and Anwar al-Sadat of Egypt signed agreements in Camp David. The American- sponsored talks paved the way to the peace treaty signed in 1979 -
Egypt- Israeli Peace Treaty
Was signed in Washington, D.C., United States on 26 March 1979, following the 1978 Camp David Accords. The Egypt–Israel treaty was signed by Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, and witnessed by United States president Jimmy Carter -
1982 Lebanon War/ First Lebanon War
Began on 6 June 1982, when the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) invaded southern Lebanon, after repeated attacks and counter-attacks between the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) operating in southern Lebanon and the IDF which caused civilian casualties on both sides of the border -
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First Intifada
It was a Palestinian uprising against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza -
Oslo Accords
The Oslo Accords are a set of agreements between the government of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO): the Oslo I Accord, signed in Washington, D.C., in 1993. -
Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty
The U.S. led a difficult but successful diplomatic process to help Jordan and Israel achieve peace. Jordan became the second Arab country to recognize Israel, after Egypt. -
Camp David Summit
It was a summit meeting at Camp David between United States president Bill Clinton, Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian Authority chairman Yasser Arafat. -
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Second Intifada
Was the second Palestinian uprising against Israel – a period of intensified Israeli-Palestinian violence. It started when Ariel Sharon made a visit to the Temple Mount, seen by Palestinians as highly provocative; and Palestinian demonstrators, throwing stones at police, were dispersed by the Israeli army, using tear gas and rubber bullets -
Israel Begins Contructing West Bank Security Barrier
In 2002, Israel responded to the suicide combings by constructing a security barrier to protect its citizens from terrorist groups in the West Bank. -
Arab Peace Initiative is proposed
The initiative attempts to end the Arab–Israeli conflict, which means normalizing relations between the entire Arab region and Israel, in exchange for a complete withdrawal from the occupied territories (including East Jerusalem) and a "just settlement" of the Palestinian refugee crisis. -
Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
was a plan to resolve the Israeli–Palestinian conflict proposed by the Quartet on the Middle East: the United States, the European Union, Russia and the United Nations. The principles of the plan, originally drafted by U.S. Foreign Service Officer Donald Blome, were first outlined by U.S. President George W. Bush in a speech on 24 June 2002, in which he called for an independent Palestinian state living side by side with Israel in peace -
Israel Disengages from Gaza.
Was the withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza, and the dismantling of all Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip in 2005. Four small settlements in the northern West Bank were also evacuated. -
Hamas is Elected
Hamas is elected to the palestinian Authorities legislature. The Hamas charter calls for the destruction of Israel and for the killing of Jews. -
2006 Hezbollah-Israel Lebanon War/Second Lebanon War
Was a 34-day military conflict in Lebanon, northern Israel and the Golan Heights. The principal parties were Hezbollah paramilitary forces and the Israeli military. -
Syrian Nuclear Reactor Destroyed y Israel
Israel air strikes destroyed a suspected nuclear reaction in the Deir-ez-Zor region of Syria built woth the assistance of North Korea. -
Battle of Gaza
It was a short military conflict between Fatah and Hamas, that took place in the Gaza Strip between 10 and 15 June 2007. It was a climax in the Fatah–Hamas conflict, centered on the struggle for power, after Fatah lost the parliamentary elections of 2006. -
Annapolis Conference
Was a Middle East peace conference held on 27 November 2007, at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, United States. The conference aimed to revive the Israeli–Palestinian peace process and implement the "Roadmap for peace" -
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Hezbollah Governance in Lebanon
Hezbollah joined the unity government of Lebanon in 2008, gaining effective voto power over the Levanese government. -
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The Gaza Conflict Operation Cast Lead
Israel targeted Hamas strongholds in Gaza to stop ongoing rocket attacks on civilian towns in southern Israel and to disrupt the terrorist ifraestructure and weapons smuggling. -
Gaza Flotilla Incident
The Gaza flotilla raid was a military operation by Israel against six civilian ships of the "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" on 31 May 2010 in international waters in the Mediterranean Sea. -
Prisioner Exchange for Gilad Shalit
Followed a 2011 agreement between Israel and Hamas to release Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in exchange for 1,027 prisoners – mainly Palestinians and Arab-Israelis, although there was also a Ukrainian, a Jordanian and a Syrian. -
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The Arab Spring
Awave of protests spread throughout the countries of the Arab world against opressive dictators, poverty, and unequial distribution of wealth. -
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Egyptian Revolution
It consisted of demonstrations, marches, occupations of plazas, riots, non-violent civil resistance, acts of civil disobedience and strikes. Millions of protesters from a range of socio-economic and religious backgrounds demanded the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak -
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Syrian Civil War
Pro-democracy Syrians rebelled against President Assad's rule. This revolt grew out of the larger Arab Spring movement, but Assad's regimen used lethal force against protesters and has not collapsed. -
Gaza-Israeli Conflict Operation Pillar of Defense.
was an eight-day Israel Defense Forces (IDF) operation in the Hamas-governed Gaza Strip, which began on 14 November 2012 with the killing of Ahmed Jabari, chief of the Gaza military wing of Hamas. -
Iran Nuclear Deal
Iran agreed in November 2013 to some preliminary agreements designed to temporarily suspend its nuclear program while efforts proceed to try to obtain a permanent agreement. -
Rise of ISIL also known as the Islamic State (IS) os ISIS in Syria and Iraq
It is a Salafi jihadist militant group that follows an Islamic fundamentalist, Wahhabi doctrine of Sunni Islam.