Israeli Palestine Conflict Timeline

  • United Nations Partition Plan

    United Nations Partition Plan
    This event was a general assembly on the partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states. Jerusalem was to be an internationalized city.
  • Modern Israel

    Modern Israel
    Modern Israel is founded with the United Nations. Chairman David Ben-Gurion declares the state of Israel. He established the first Jewish state in 2,000 years.
  • Outbreak Between Palestinian Arabs and Modern Israel

    Outbreak Between Palestinian Arabs and Modern Israel
    Palestinians and Israelites fight over land. They each want land but there is so little to fight over
  • 6 Day War

    6 Day War
    War breaks out between Israel and the People around it. Three battle fronts were tied together by a desire everyone wanted on part of the surrounding Arab states to destroy Israel and take away their shame and defeat that happened 19 years ago.
  • Camp David Accord

    Camp David Accord
    US president Jimmy Carter makes an agreement and Sinai is given back to Egypt. In return they got Egyptian recognition of Israel.
  • Lebanon war

    Lebanon war
    This war was called Operation Peace for Galilee by the Arabs. There was an estimate of 120,000 fatalities
  • Intifada

    Palestines stand up and fight against increasing illegal settlements. The Palestines were nonviolent because most of them were unarmed.
  • Siege of Gaza

    Siege of Gaza
    This event was a three week armed conflict between Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and Israel. It began on December 27, 2008 and ended January 18, 2009.
  • Operation Pillar of Defense

    Operation Pillar of Defense
    It was an 8 day Israel defense forces operation in the Hamas-governed Gaza Strip. It began on November 14 and the killing of Ahmed Jabari, Chief of the Gaza military wing
  • Operation Protective Edge

    Operation Protective Edge
    In this event, Israel attacked Gaza after a Palestinian unity government formed. Over 2,000 Palestines were killed and most of them were civilians.